The verdict in the Star-Route trial is rendered. [19][c] The family remained in Fairfield until 1832, when William Arthur's profession took them to churches in several towns in Vermont and upstate New York. [30] This claim, too, failed to gain credence. [191] Arthur's successor, Grover Cleveland, finding that title belonged to the Native Americans, revoked Arthur's order a few months later. He was raised in New York. [151], At first, the act applied only to 10% of federal jobs and, without proper implementation by the president, it could have gone no further. [223] Since 1944 it has been the location of Kalustyan's Spice Emporium. [148] Failure to obtain a conviction tarnished the administration's image, but Arthur did succeed in putting a stop to the fraud. [109], Garfield and his supporters knew they would face a difficult election without the support of the New York Stalwarts and decided to offer one of them the vice presidential nomination. Windup Teacher. After James Garfield was assassinated in 1881, Chester A. Arthur became President of the United States. [197] Blaine led on the first ballot, and by the fourth ballot he had a majority. [190] During Arthur's presidency, settlers and cattle ranchers continued to encroach on Native American territory. Congress passes an act regarding civil government in Alaska. This law created a 10-year ban on all Chinese immigration to the United States and prohibited Chinese immigrants already in the country from becoming U.S. citizens. [55], Arthur returned to practicing law, and with the help of additional contacts made in the military, he and the firm of Arthur & Gardiner flourished. [209], Arthur's post-presidency was the second-shortest of all presidents who lived past their presidencies, after that of James K. Polk who died just three months after leaving office. Chester Arthur (1829-1886), the 21st U.S. president, took office after the death of President James Garfield (1831-1881). [174], In his 1881 annual message, Arthur advocated a stronger Navy. [64] Conkling, elected to the United States Senate in 1867, noticed Arthur and facilitated his rise in the party, and Arthur became chairman of the New York City Republican executive committee in 1868. He died the following day, on November 18, at the age of 57. James Garfield (1831-81) was sworn in as the 20th U.S. president in March 1881 and died in September of that same year from an assassins bullet, making his tenure in office the second-shortest in U.S. presidential history, after William Henry Harrison (1773-1841). [72] The Collector was responsible for hiring hundreds of workers to collect the tariffs due at the United States' busiest port. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. (He suffered from Bright's disease, a then-fatal kidney ailment.) Elected to the vice presidency in 1880, Arthur became president after Garfield died following an assassination attempt by a disgruntled job seeker. In 1904, Taft took on the role of secretary of war in the administration read more, New York City real estate developer and reality TV star Donald Trump (1946- ) served as Americas 45th president from January 2017-January 2021. In 1848, after graduating from Union College, he taught at Schaghticoke in Rensselaer County. [118] Hancock did not help his own cause when, in an attempt to remain neutral on the tariff, he said that "[t]he tariff question is a local question", which only made him appear uninformed about an important issue. [146] An 1882 trial of the ringleaders resulted in convictions for two minor conspirators and a hung jury for the rest. Under this system, elected officials rewarded their supporters with political appointments in their administrations. The Arthurs had four daughters when Chester was born. Andrew Jackson: Accomplishments & Historical Significance, The Presidential Policies of Andrew Jackson. His dad was the minister in Waterville and was building . **PRE-ORDER** The Chester House from Dept 56 Christmas Vacation Snow Village **SHIPS LATE NOVEMBER** $149. More About Chester A. Arthur. The act also forbade workers from being fired for political reasons and prohibited compulsory political donations from employees. [214] On April 5, 1882, Arthur was elected to the District of Columbia Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS) as a Third Class Companion (insignia number 02430[215]), the honorary membership category for militia officers and civilians who made significant contributions to the war effort. [119] Candidates for high office did not personally campaign in those days, but as state Republican chairman, Arthur played a part in the campaign in his usual fashion: overseeing the effort in New York and raising money. [181] Since the end of Reconstruction, conservative white Democrats (or "Bourbon Democrats") had regained power in the South, and the Republican party dwindled rapidly as their primary supporters in the region, blacks, were disenfranchised. A Vermont native, he became active in Republican politics in the 1850s as a New York City lawyer. [166] To their surprise, Arthur vetoed it and requested revisions, which they made and Arthur then approved. Later that day, both personally congratulated Washington Roebling. [43] In Lemmon v. New York, Culver argued that, as New York law did not permit slavery, any slave arriving in New York was automatically freed. [20] Arthur also supported the Fenian Brotherhood, an Irish republican organization founded in America; he showed this support by wearing a green coat. President Chester Arthur represented the Republican . In the midterm elections, Democrats gain 50 seats in the House giving them a 197-118 majority (ten remaining seats were filled by minor parties). Arthur vetoes the Carriage of Passengers at Sea Bill, a steamboat safety bill, claiming that it contains several major technical errors. The foreman of the jury charges that a government agent attempted to bribe him, and the judge orders a retrial, to begin on December 7, 1882. [168] Three years later, after China had agreed to treaty revisions, Congress tried again to exclude working class Chinese laborers; Senator John F. Miller of California introduced another Chinese Exclusion Act that blocked entry of Chinese laborers for a twenty-year period. [37] During his winter breaks, he served as a teacher at a school in Schaghticoke. Still, the crowd of people who showed up for the event were unaware, and the President received a spectacular welcome. Arthur issues a proclamation warning people not to settle on Oklahoma lands. The commission's recommendations were ignored, however, as the House Ways and Means Committee, dominated by protectionists, provided a 10% reduction. Arthur is remembered primarily for three things: He was never elected to the presidency and two significant pieces of legislation, one positive and the other negative. He presided over the rebirth of the US Navy, but he was criticized for failing to alleviate the federal budget surplus which had been accumulating since the end of the Civil War. As the economy soured after the Panic of 1873, Chinese immigrants were blamed for depressing workmen's wages; in reaction Congress in 1879 attempted to abrogate the 1868 treaty by passing the Chinese Exclusion Act, but President Hayes vetoed it. As president from 1881 to 1885, Arthur advocated for civil service reform. For his son, see. [49], In 1861, Arthur was appointed to the military staff of Governor Edwin D. Morgan as engineer-in-chief. [127], With the Senate in recess, Arthur had no duties in Washington and returned to New York City. [102][103] In the state elections of 1879, he and Conkling worked to ensure that the Republican nominees for state offices would be men of Conkling's faction, who had become known as Stalwarts. 4, 1885 Political Party Republican Party (1854-1886), Whig Party (Before 1856) Personal Info Born Oct. 5, 1829 Died Nov. 18, 1886 (at age 57) Religion Episcopal School Union College State and National Law School Profession [156] In May of that year, Representative William D. Kelley of Pennsylvania introduced a bill to establish a tariff commission;[156] the bill passed and Arthur signed it into law but appointed mostly protectionists to the committee. [162] Blaine, venturing a greater involvement in affairs south of the Rio Grande, proposed a Pan-American conference in 1882 to discuss trade and an end to the War of the Pacific being fought by Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Arthur left office in 1885 and returned to his New York City home. Mary Ruth teaches college history and has a PhD. His father was a preacher. [143] Frelinghuysen advised Arthur not to fill any future vacancies with Stalwarts, but when Postmaster General James resigned in January 1882, Arthur selected Timothy O. Howe, a Wisconsin Stalwart. To satisfy the Stalwart faction, delegates chose New York Customs House collector Chester A. Arthur (1829-86) as the Republican vice-presidential nominee. Owing to the shock of Garfield's assassination and eventual death, Americans all over had started to grow fed up of Roscoe Conkling's machine. Before he moved into the White House, Chester Arthur hired designer and stained-glass artist Louis Comfort Tiffany (1848-1933) to redecorate the state rooms. Born in an read more, Ellen Arthur (1837-80) was the wife of Chester A. Arthur, 21st president of the United States, though she never served as first lady because she died of pneumonia before her husband assumed office. Illustration published in The New Eclectic History of the United States by M. E . The United States and Mexico conclude a convention on their shared territorial boundary. So too, as it turns out, is the New York City house in which Arthur was sworn in as president, and died just five . Grover Cleveland is inaugurated as the twenty-second President of the United States. [104] Arthur and Conkling campaigned vigorously for the Stalwart ticket and, owing partly to a splintering of the Democratic vote, were victorious. On September 21, he returned to Long Branch to take part in Garfield's funeral, and then joined the funeral train to Washington. [164] Legislation required to bring the treaty into force failed in the House, however, rendering it a dead letter. Chester A. Arthur - Key Events March 4, 1881 Arthur Becomes Vice President Arthur takes office as vice president in the presidential administration of James Garfield. [200] Blatchford accepted, and his nomination was approved by the Senate within two weeks. He was a member of the ultra exclusive Restigouche Salmon Club. Chester Alan Arthur 21st President of the United States (September 19, 1881 to March 3, 1885) Nickname: "The Gentleman Boss"; "Elegant Arthur" Born: October 5, 1829, in Fairfield, Vermont Died: November 18, 1886, in New York, New York. Silver Brooch Chester 1897 AJS Arthur Johnson Smith with Safety Chain Victorian. Congress was unable to override the veto, but passed a new bill reducing the immigration ban to ten years. [142] Blaine, nemesis of the Stalwart faction, remained Secretary of State until Congress reconvened and then departed immediately. Of the nine accused, only two minor defendants are found guilty. [188] The American Indian Wars were winding down, and public sentiment was shifting toward more favorable treatment of Native Americans. Later that day he took a train to Long Branch to pay his respects to Garfield and to leave a card of sympathy for his wife, afterwards returning to New York City. [151] In just two years' time, an unrepentant Stalwart had become the president who ushered in long-awaited civil service reform. When he became president after Garfield's assassination, Arthur surprised his party in 1883 by signing the Pendleton Act, which . [79] He was also popular within the Republican party as he efficiently collected campaign assessments from the staff and placed party leaders' friends in jobs as positions became available. Chester Alan Arthur (October 5, 1829 - November 18, 1886) was an American lawyer and politician who served as the 21st president of the United States from 1881 to 1885. Chester Alan Arthur (October 5, 1829 - November 18, 1886) was the fourth Totally Obscure President of the United States, serving from 1881 through 1885. Garfield won the Republican nomination for president in 1880, and Arthur was nominated for vice president to balance the ticket as an Eastern Stalwart. [75] Grant then nominated Arthur, with the New York Times commenting, "his name very seldom rises to the surface of metropolitan life and yet moving like a mighty undercurrent this man during the last 10 years has done more to mold the course of the Republican Party in this state than any other one man in the country. He also oversaw the establishment of the Naval War College and the Office of Naval Intelligence. He kept the condition a secret from the public; however, his poor health prevented him from actively seeking reelection in 1884. Having become friendly with Murphy over their shared love of horses during summer vacations on the Jersey Shore, in July of that year, Grant appointed him to the Collector's position. [48] The couple had three children: After his marriage, Arthur devoted his efforts to building his law practice, but also found time to engage in Republican party politics. The President Chester A. Arthur State Historic Site was the first historic site owned by the State of Vermont. Two months before the end of his term, several New York Stalwarts approached him to request that he run for United States Senate, but he declined, preferring to return to his old law practice at Arthur, Knevals & Ransom. A sharp dressed man 9. The rest of 1862 Arthur was busier than ever, working seven days a week in the Union cause. The act establishes the Republicans as the party in favor of higher protective tariffs. [182] Having won an election in that state on a platform of more education funding (for black and white schools alike) and abolition of the poll tax and the whipping post, many northern Republicans saw the Readjusters as a more viable ally in the South than the moribund southern Republican party. They existed from the 1870s until Arthur became president in 1881, at which point Conkling was no longer a force, and Arthur had reformed the Civil Service. Chester Alan Arthur was born on October 5, 1829, in Fairfield, Vermont. Republicans were pleased with the committee's make-up but were surprised when, in December 1882, they submitted a report to Congress calling for tariff cuts averaging between 20 and 25%. [164] Similar efforts at reciprocal trade treaties with Santo Domingo and Spain's American colonies were defeated by February 1885, and an existing reciprocity treaty with the Kingdom of Hawaii was allowed to lapse. [85] Sherman ordered a commission led by John Jay to investigate the New York Custom House. [189] The allotment system was favored by liberal reformers at the time, but eventually proved detrimental to Native Americans as most of their land was resold at low prices to white speculators. The most important events of his administration were the passage of the Tariff Act of 1883 and of the "Edmunds Law" prohibiting polygamy in the territories, and the completion of three great transcontinental railways -- the Southern Pacific, the Northern Pacific, and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. [189] He also favored a move to the allotment system, under which individual Native Americans, rather than tribes, would own land. In the general election, Garfield and Arthur defeated Democratic nominee Winfield Hancock (1824-1886) and his running mate William English (1822-1896), and were sworn into office on March 4, 1881. Arthur also worked to outlaw polygamy in Utah, opposed the exclusion of Chinese and modernized the Navy. Although Garfield initially survived the shooting, he battled infections and died two months later, at age 49, on September 19. [162] Blaine did not remain in office long enough to see the effort through, and when Frederick T. Frelinghuysen replaced him at the end of 1881, the conference efforts lapsed. Prior to the Brooklyn Bridge opening celebration, President Arthur's health had been deteriorating. [121] The Electoral College result was more decisive214 to 155and Garfield and Arthur were elected. [196] Business leaders supported him, as did Southern Republicans who owed their jobs to his control of the patronage, but by the time they began to rally around him, Arthur had decided against a serious campaign for the nomination. "[154], With high revenue held over from wartime taxes, the federal government had collected more than it spent since 1866; by 1882 the surplus reached $145 million. The original designer, John Roebling, died of an infection caused by an injury he received only days after having secured permission to begin his project. [207] Arthur was buried with his family members and ancestors in the Albany Rural Cemetery in Menands, New York. [88] Sherman was less enthusiastic about the reforms than Hayes and Jay, but he approved the commission's report and ordered Arthur to make the personnel reductions. Facts about Chester an Arthur 1: the life span Chester A Arthur was born on 5th October 1829 in Fairfield, Vermont and died on 18 November 1886. The digital collections of the Library of Congress contain a wide variety of material associated with Chester A. Arthur, including the Chester Alan Arthur Papers. The United States Bureau of Labor is created within the Department of the Interior; an independent Department of Labor will not be created until 1913. Sometime around 1882, Arthur learned he was suffering from Brights disease, a serious kidney ailment. [80] In that year, reform-minded Republicans formed the Liberal Republican party and voted against Grant, but he was re-elected in spite of their opposition. The son of an Irish-born Baptist minister who had immigrated to the U.S., Chester Arthur was born in Fairfield, Vermont, in 1829. The most important events of his administration were the passage of the Tariff Act of 1883 and of the "Edmunds Law" prohibiting polygamy in the territories, and the completion of three great transcontinental railwaysthe Southern Pacific, the Northern Pacific, and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa F. [59] Both children survived to adulthood. Chester A. Arthur's Civil War Service Before the Civil War Arthur joined the state militia in 1858 as a means of forming political connections. Historic Site was the minister in Waterville and was building for political reasons and prohibited compulsory donations! Become the President who ushered in long-awaited civil service reform Chester House from Dept 56 Christmas Snow. Arthur advocated a stronger Navy too, failed to gain credence ( 1829-86 ) as the Republican vice-presidential.... 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