All decisions are final. y. Other misconduct or behavior including without limitation, violations of published University policies, rules or regulations, or criminal statutes, violates the Student Conduct Code even if a specific description of such misconduct or behavior is not listed. Reasonable accommodations may include, but are not limited to: Providingaccommodationsrequestedbyapregnantstudenttoprotectthe health and safety of the student and/or the pregnancy (such as allowing the. During the meeting, the student conduct process will be explained, the student will be advised of the alleged violations, and a hearing will commence or will be scheduled. Vendor Forms, Invoices, Certificates of Insurance, & Contracts/Riders. 2615. Radios, televisions, stereos, or other noiseshould be kept to a minimal level and not be heard in the common areas or other rooms, apartments, or townhouses. Guidelines for posting material varies across campus. Early or late arrivals are not approved. If the request for an accommodation is made fewer than 60 days before the individual intends to move into University housing, the University cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet the individuals accommodation needs during the first semester or term of occupancy, but will work with the student to discuss alternative options. Learn-to-Swim classes are taught by certified, knowledgable and caring instructors who can help swimmers and every level feel comfortable in the water and progress . Subtle hazing typically involves activities or attitudes that breach reasonable standards of mutual respect and place members on the receiving end of ridicule, embarrassment, and/or humiliation tactics. If the RESIDENT should find the premises at the commencement of the Agreement in a condition not clean and not in good condition, the RESIDENT must make this known in writing to the Office of Residence Life within five (5) days after the beginning of the semester. The Fairfield University Swim Lesson Program is a fundraiser for the Fairfield University Varsity Men's and Women's Swimming and Diving teams. Such notification occurs at the conclusion of the student conduct process. Manage COSO allocated funds & Club Savings in a responsible manner in accordance with University, Student Engagement, and COSO/GSS policies. Students or student groups are not to solicit funds by letter or in person from individuals, companies, or groups by using the name of the University. Any use of the addresses or other information (including, but not limited to, the preparation of envelopes, mailing labels, or email distributions) for any multiple mailing without the express written consent of Fairfield University is prohibited. Users will utilize University information and third party proprietary information only for the performance of official University business. Some additional documentation (such as Contracts/Riders, Invoices, Certificates of Insurance, and other Vendor Approval Forms) may be required depending on the nature of the event and must all be organized and distributed by the COSO Advisor. If a student residence light fixture (not personal lamps) requires a replacement bulb, students should notify their RA or the Office of Residence Life who will request the appropriate repair or replacement. 2022. A single hearing will be held for incidents involving multiple students, unless otherwise determined by the Office of the Dean of Students. For events in the Quick Center for the Arts, the event staff will assist with sound, lighting, or other setup requests. In addition, any student. Removal of this furniture for personal use is not permitted and will be considered theft. Fairfield University Swimming & Diving enhances the college experience of our varsity student-athletes, providing them with opportunities to excel athletically and academically. All undergraduate students are required to register guests on campus via the guest registration form. The Office of the Dean of Students has ultimate responsibility for enforcing University policies and the Student Conduct Code. Members often feel the need to endure subtle hazing to feel like part of the group or team. Any student making a request for a housing accommodation should complete the intake process with Accessibility and complete the Housing Policy Exception Request form as soon as practicably possible before moving into the University Housing. Not to entertain in their townhouse, apartment, or other UNIVERSITY housing during exam week or break periods. Notwithstanding, for the safety, security, and well-being of the campus community, such expression and assembly is subject to the following conditions: (1) cannot impede or block the ingress or egress to any University building, room, facility, or space, (2) deny or deprive others the opportunity to speak or be heard, (3) interfere with or disrupt the Universitys normal operation, (4) pose any threat to campus safety, or (5) interfere with a legitimate educational or institutional process. Tampering with basement locks will result in student conduct action. Reports of retaliation may be made to the ADA/Section 504 Compliance Officer. Leaderboards CLUB DETAILS0 Swimmers WEBSITE 2032544000 LOCATION Fairfield University - Women Distance Fastest Filter Cancel All ages 15 & under 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 70 over Coed Male Female All Classes Fitness Triathlete Competitive All time Student organizations may stuff the mailboxes of only those members in their organization. Duplicating requests generally take a couple of days, while design and custom printing will take longer. good intentions but bad actions word; Home Uncategorized. All students released to off-campus will be required to attend additional informational sessions or meetings before or during the academic year. If the student host or their guest are asked to leave an event for any reason, the guest(s) and student host will also be asked to leave the event and will not be permitted to re-enter the event. Students will be asked to verify the condition of the room reported on the form, sign, and return it. Hazing refers to any activity expected of someone joining a group (or to maintain full status in a group) that humiliates, degrades, or risks emotional and/or physical harm, regardless of the person's willingness to participate. Public Safety's presence and/or assistance for events is required where the expected attendance exceeds 100 people or when alcohol will be served. The Peer Conduct Board serves as a student conduct hearing body composed of students and convenes to hear cases. Student leaders participating in leadership roles in student organizations, under the proper guidance and with adequate support, have the opportunity to develop multiple skills and leadership competencies including, but not limited to, self-understanding/development, problem-solving, decision-making, initiative, follow-through, responding to ambiguity/change, planning, resiliency, conflict negotiation, goal setting, collaboration, mentoring, organizational behavior, power dynamics, ethics, personal values, personal contributions, group development, creating change, and social responsibility. Six-week Undergraduate Asynchronous Online Courses: Friday, June 10, 2022.Session II:Two-Week Undergraduate Courses: Contact the Office of the Registrar at for specific course withdrawal deadline dates. The spirit or intent of the policy or community standard is taken into consideration. Residence halls close 24 hours after the completion of the RESIDENT'S last exam in May or by 6:30 p.m. on the last day of final examinations, whichever comes first. Conduct classes, training and in service training for Aquatics staff. In addition to the policies, procedures, and residency and meal plan agreements contained herein, the Student Handbook provides valuable information about services and resources available to you. Accidental damage is damage occurring through unintentional, chance happenings. One copy of this form should be completed for the entire group. The University reserves the right to assign students to vacant spaces without prior notification., For more information, contact Zach Dayton / 3457 / The State of Connecticut General Statutes Section 10a - 155 and Fairfield University require each full-time or matriculating student to provide proof of immunity or screening against measles, mumps, rubella, varicella (chicken pox), meningitis, and tuberculosis. Personal property maintained in residence halls is the sole responsibility of each student. Students who have cancelled their agreement due to a withdrawal from the University will, upon their return, return to their housing status they had prior to withdrawing from the University and must adhere to student residency requirements and the Residence Life agreements currently in place. The Appeal Decision-maker for staff Respondents shall be the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, or their designee. Learn More Academic Calendars View the most recent academic calendar and past calendars. Questions? Fairfield University utilizes an emergency notification system, referred to as StagAlert, as one method to notify and relay information to students, faculty, and staff in the event of a significant emergency. The Student Conduct Board is a hearing body that determines the finding(s) of responsibility for alleged University policy or Student Conduct Code violations involving students or student organizations that could result in dismissal or expulsion. The Board is a five-member body consisting of one voting student, one voting academic dean or University staff/administrator, one voting faculty member, one additional voting student, academic dean or University staff/administrator, or faculty member, and a non-voting chairperson. Questions or concerns regarding parking fines posted to tuition bills or due before commencement, must be submitted in writing via e-mail or standard mail to the parking office, (original tickets must be included). The University reserves the right to amend policies as deemed appropriate. i. In the event that an advisor is unable to continue to serve in an advisory capacity, the student organization must obtain a new advisor immediately. Pregnant students on-campus housing status will not be altered based on pregnancy status unless requested by the pregnant students. Damage that occurs in common areas of student residences (e.g., hallways, common bathrooms, backyards, etc.) Recognized student organizations are eligible to receive all the benefits and privileges afforded to student organizations by the Office of Student Engagement and Club Operations and Student Organizations. Please use only painters tape when hanging up flyers. Responding students will be notified of the outcome of the hearing within ten business days of the conclusion of the hearing, unless the student has otherwise been informed by the University. 1073 North Benson Road Fairfield, Connecticut 06824 (203) 254-4000. g. Reserves the right to increase room occupancy as the need arises so long as such an increase conforms to prevailing occupancy and health standards. The student organization is responsible for covering the costs for hiring security for their event. Access to the Tully Dining Commons requires a meal plan or the purchase of a one-time entry with cash, Dining Dollars, or StagBucks. Student organizations are considered inactive if they do not renew their Life@Fairfield portal within the first (4) four weeks of the beginning of the fall or spring semester. Fairfield University has partnered with ScholarTrip to ensure that students are provided with low cost tickets that also include risk management assurances such as changeability, emergency support, and program specific bookings that gets you to your program on time, every time. The nameplates are added to the plaque by the University. The Step-Up Stags Policy aims to remove barriers to or any hesitation in students reporting the need for assistance for themselves or other individuals to a University employee, emergency services (e.g. Similarly, a representative of a student club or organization shall not act as an agent, party, or signatory on behalf of the University; should s/he do so, s/he does so as an individual at his/her own personal and financial risk. Swim Lessons at In-Shape. Students are advised to visit the Residence Life website for specific information regarding eligibility and deadlines for housing. Students and guests shall assume responsibility for their own actions. All participants will learn to master the skills necessary to promote safe practicies around the water. Deferred Dismissal: A period of time during which a student is no longer in good standing with the University and will be required to adhere to specific requirements and conditions in order to remain enrolled. Students are expected to greet their guest upon arrival to campus, be with them/know their whereabouts at all times during their stay, and be present at their departure from campus. The cardholder may request copies of documentation used in the review. Session I: Two-Week Undergraduate Courses: Contact the Office of the Registrar at for specific course withdrawal deadline dates. Users should not attempt to subvert the restrictions associated with their computer accounts. Student will likely lose housing-related privileges including, but not limited to, restriction from housing-related lotteries. Behavior that runs counter to this sense of community has no place at Fairfield University. Interim measures may remain in effect until a final decision has been reached and appeals have been determined. For example, anything generated at Fairfield that is available on the Internet through the University's network represents the University and not just an individual. Flyers in all academic buildings should only be hung on designated bulletin boards. Student organizations who collect dues may do so via University TouchNet storefront managed by COSO and the Office of Student Engagement. All students participating in an international trip as part of a recognized student organization must fly into the designated airport, on the designated program start date and within the specified arrival times. A clearly articulated purpose and accurate description of the group's function, Adoption of voting procedures that allow for transparent, open, and free election of officers, Clearly articulated procedures for removal of officers, Clearly articulated procedures for amending the constitution, Reference to bylaws or other relevant documents that will govern the group's activities or functions, Language and reference to the Fairfield University Anti-Hazing policy, Language and reference to the Fairfield University Anti-Discrimination policy, Language that states the organization and its members will comply with any and all University policies, procedures, rules, regulations, and guidelines. g. To assume all responsibility for personal belongings. If alcohol is served at a gathering, it is the responsibility of the host to comply with state and local laws. Registration for Summer 2023 courses will begin on Wednesday, February 8, 2023. The option of a Memorial Mass or Mass of Remembrance will be offered to the family of the deceased student at a mutually convenient time for the family and campus community. Damage caused by a students own intentional misconduct or negligence (as determined in the sole discretion of the University) shall not be eligible for replacement of his/her personal property. Exemption decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis by the Office of Student Engagement in coordination with the assistant vice president for administration and student life or designee. both on and off campus. Fairfield University adheres to all federal and state civil rights laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination in private institutions of higher education. Caretaking: caring for and providing for the needs of a child. Employees who reside on campus and who are requesting reasonable accommodations related to University housing must contact Human Resources. Fairfield University is not responsible for students' personal property located on University premises. Fairfield University hereby establishes a policy and associated procedures for ensuring protection and equal treatment of pregnant students, students with pregnancy-related conditions, and new parents. Whenever possible, violations of residential guidelines will be handled by residence life staff with individual students and small groups. The community standards set forth in the Fairfield University Student Conduct Code (contained in the Student Handbook) and all University policies and procedures are applicable to the student while participating in any off campus activity. In determining whether a student with a disability or temporary impairment is eligible for a housing or other campus life accommodation or is eligible for an exception to housing or other campus policy on the basis of their disability or temporary impairment, the Office of Accessibility will meet with the student to discuss the students request and documentation. Serves as the primary contact and club liaison for the event. Student conduct probation is intended to reflect the seriousness of the student's misconduct. . Additional requirements, forms, and policies are subject to be imposed at the discretion of the Office of Student Engagement. Documentation consists of an evaluation by an appropriate professional that relates the current impact of the condition to the request. newly discovered evidence that is substantive in nature and was unknown or unavailable at the time of the original student conduct hearing, a substantial error or omission in the student conduct proceedings which significantly affected the outcome of the hearing, a sanction that is substantially disproportionate to the severity of and outside of the guidelines set by the University for the violation, or the cumulative conduct record of the responding student. Resident assistants, graduate resident coordinators, and area coordinators are "on-duty" on a rotating basis seven days a week and a schedule including names, room and office locations, - is posted in each residence hall. The University encourages reporting of discriminatory conduct and prohibited retaliation. Questions regarding voter registration, census, and elections may also be directed to the Registrar of Voters for the town of Fairfield at 203-256-3115 or online The student conduct administrator is available during the deliberations to offer any assistance as requested by the Board. Use of personal vehicles are not covered under University insurances; therefore, it is the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle to assume liability for the use of a personal vehicle. Making modifications to the physical environment (such as accessible seating); Extending deadlines and/orallowingthe studenttomake up tests orassignments missed for pregnancy. Each user is required to report any flaws s/he may find in the system protection facilities to the Help Desk. A student exercising their right to invoke this Grievance Procedure is free to consult with others but is expected to represent themself directly in the grievance process. Reports received from other entities including, but not limited to, the Fairfield Police Department, other colleges and universities, and Town of Fairfield residents may also be used to address alleged violations. To reactivate a card that is found, the cardholder must request reactivation in person at the StagCard Office. Stag Explorers is a program that provides an opportunity for students to connect with a Peer Conduct Board member about a low-level Student Conduct Code or University policy violation. Washers and dryers are available for use by resident students in almost all halls and the apartment complexes, as well as townhouse blocks 2 and 13. If a student has permitted it, a professor who calls to confirm information about the student's situation will be informed as such. 3. k. Not to overload thetownhouse, apartment, or other UNIVERSITY housing based on fire code. required on the form. The University is not responsible for damage to any personal property in residential common spaces or rooms. The policies contained in this handbook are applicable to all Fairfield University students - undergraduate, graduate, and part-time. If removed from campus housing, a student may not live in or visit University-owned residences. Publicity for all events should welcome and encourage attendance by those with disabilities. This includes engaging in abuse of other users. In reviewing a students specific request, Accessibility will consult with the Office of Residence Life, the Health Center, and Counseling and Psychological Services as necessary to determine whether the requested accommodation is necessary and reasonable. Due to the fire code regulation of Fairfield, posting is not permitted on any fire/exit doors, elevators, or within stairwells. No one under the age of 21 is permitted to purchase, possess, or consume alcoholic beverages. The only exception would be if the situation is so extraordinary as to make it impossible for the student to do this. GSS allocates funds to student organizations on a rolling, per-request basis throughout the fall and spring semesters. Contained in this section of the Student Handbook are guidelines specific to the residential component of a Fairfield education. To avoid disappointments, we recommend . RESIDENTS moving into a unit after the commencement of a semester shall make their inspection of the premises known in writing to the Office of Residence Life no later than five (5) days after taking possession of the premises. Before filing a grievance, the student must first take steps to resolve a complaint with the appropriate faculty member, office, staff member, or student. Solicitors should be reported to the Department of Public Safety immediately. Notice is hereby given that there are no electronic resources supplied by the University that provide for sending or receiving private or confidential electronic communications. 2022 Fairfield Pool Schedules. e. To promptly vacate his/her residence hall within a specified timeframe when the Agreement is terminated by the UNIVERSITY. 4136 Alumni Relations: 203-254-4280 or ext. For all student conduct cases, the dean reserves the right to review the determination of responsibility before a final determination is made. However, students may change their plan to one of multiple options (depending upon class year) during the first two weeks of classes each semester. Conduct outcomes other than student conduct probation, deferred dismissal, dismissal or expulsion are generally not applicable or appropriate for distribution beyond the University community; however, students are encouraged to be forthright if an employer, professional licensure request, etc., asks questions about the students conduct at Fairfield University. To be eligible for residency in a residence hall, a RESIDENT must meet the following criteria as determined by the UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR: a. Users may not engage in unauthorized duplication, alteration, or destruction of data, programs, or software belonging to others and may not copy material protected by copyright. Fairfield university Fall classes begin on Tuesday, September 6 2022 for all programs. The Senior Director of Equity shall assess the written complaint to determine if the Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy is applicable. We are interested in students' needs, well-being, and formation, both within and outside the classroom. Any funds left in a dissolved student organization Savings Account will be absorbed by Club Operations and Student Organizations/Graduate Student Senate and redistributed to active student organizations. However, the case will be heard without the student present and a decision rendered based upon the evidence or information available. The UNIVERSITY does not assume responsibility for damage or loss to RESIDENTS' belongings, regardless of cause. While campus housing is traditionally reserved for full-time students, part-time students may seek permission from theOffice of Residence Life. Fighting occurs when two or more individuals are engaged in physical attempts to harm each other. Student conduct records are maintained by the Office of the Dean of Students. 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