In 544 Belisarius was sent against him with inadequate forces. Estimate. [9] His reign also marked a blossoming of Eastern Roman (Byzantine) culture, and his building program yielded works such as the Hagia Sophia. [132] Dante also uses Justinian to criticize the factious politics of his 14th Century Italy, divided between Ghibellines and Guelphs, in contrast to the unified Italy of the Roman Empire. What did Justinian I accomplish as emperor? Free shipping for many products! [citation needed], Justinian's religious policy reflected the Imperial conviction that the unity of the Empire presupposed unity of faith, and it appeared to him obvious that this faith could only be the orthodoxy (Chalcedonian). This new cathedral, with its magnificent dome filled with mosaics, remained the centre of eastern Christianity for centuries. After hard campaigning in the East in the ByzantineSassanid War of 572591, he was promoted to the rank of patricius. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian in the 6th century CE. Rapists were treated severely. During his reign, Justinian reorganized the government of the Byzantine Empire and enacted several reforms to increase accountability and reduce corruption. In the Byzantine Empire, the Emperor is the supreme ruler, looked at as a god. Justinian I was the emperor of the Byzantine empire from 527 to 565 C.E. ca. This was particularly so with respect to children born out of wedlock. Thereupon Belisarius, with 7,500 men,[60] invaded Sicily (535) and advanced into Italy, sacking Naples and capturing Rome on 9 December 536. Justinian's body was entombed in a specially built mausoleum in the Church of the Holy Apostles until it was desecrated and robbed during the pillage of the city in 1204 by the Latin States of the Fourth Crusade.[39]. [94] The Presbyter Julian[95] and the Bishop Longinus[96] conducted a mission among the Nabataeans, and Justinian attempted to strengthen Christianity in Yemen by dispatching a bishop from Egypt. Justinian expelled teachers of paganism from the Academy in Athens, closing the schools of Athens, in 529. Emperors Justin I (and later Justinian himself) rescinded these policies and reestablished the union between Constantinople and Rome. It consisted of the various sets of laws and legal interpretations collected and codified by scholars under the direction of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. He granted the monks the right to inherit property from private citizens and the right to receive solemnia, or annual gifts, from the Imperial treasury or from the taxes of certain provinces and he prohibited lay confiscation of monastic estates. [120] The lack of manpower also led to a significant increase in the number of "barbarians" in the Byzantine armies after the early 540s. Even now, it is universally acknowledged as one of the greatest buildings in the world. The treaty was on the whole favourable to the Byzantines, who lost no territory and whose suzerainty over the key district of Lazica (Colchis, in Asia Minor) was recognized by Persia. The destruction that took place during the revolt provided Justinian with an opportunity to tie his name to a series of splendid new buildings, most notably the architectural innovation of the domed Hagia Sophia. Before the matter was resolved, Justinian died, in 565. Biography of Justinian I, Emperor of Byzantine, Biography of Empress Theodora, Byzantine Feminist, The Code of Justinian (Codex Justinianus), Timelines and Chronologies of Roman Emperors, Most Important Figures in Ancient History, Constantinople: Capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, M.A., Linguistics, University of Minnesota. Crossword Clue. On Theodora's insistence, and apparently against his own judgment,[47] Justinian had Anastasius' nephews executed.[48]. As the emperor of the Byzantine Empire, Justinian accomplished a great deal, over the course of a reign that extended from 527, all the way up to 565. Justinian's Crown is a historical artifact claimed by the Byzantine Empire in the popular 2020 computer strategy game Crusader Kings 3, by Paradox Development Studio. Thrace, Dacia, and Dalmatia were harried by Bulgars and Slavs (known as Sclaveni). 364 ff., and Moorhead (1994). The new Hagia Sophia, with its numerous chapels and shrines, gilded octagonal dome, and mosaics, became the centre and most visible monument of Eastern Orthodoxy in Constantinople. Finally, a 50 years truce was negotiated, probably at the end of 561; Byzantium agreed to pay an annual tribute of 30,000 solidi (gold coins), and the Persians renounced all claim to the small Christian kingdom of Lazica, an important bulwark against northern invaders. [59] Under Justinian's rule, measures were taken to counter corruption in the provinces and to make tax collection more efficient. Justinian's military leaders prevailed and slaughtered 30,000 rioters. [52] Justinian then tried to make alliance with the Axumites of Ethiopia and the Himyarites of Yemen against the Persians, but this failed. Justin, who was commander of one of the imperial guard units (the Excubitors) before he became emperor,[23] adopted Justinian, brought him to Constantinople, and ensured the boy's education. An Illyrian, Justinian was born Petrus Sabbatius in A.D. 483 in Tauresium, Dardania (Yugoslavia), a Latin-speaking area of the Empire. Justinian's childless uncle became the Roman Emperor Justin I in A.D. 518. p. 246. [51] In 530 the Persian forces suffered a double defeat at Dara and Satala, but the next year saw the defeat of Roman forces under Belisarius near Callinicum. ZJ19, Byzantine Empire, Justinian I (527-565) AV Solidus (4.43g) Constantinople, 545-565. The Hagia Sophia: Byzantine Emperor Justinian built the Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Wisdom of God, the Hagia Sophia, which was completed in only four and a half years (532 CE-537 CE). As a collection it gathers together the many sources in which the leges (laws) and the other rules were expressed or published: proper laws, senatorial consults (senatusconsulta), imperial decrees, case law, and jurists' opinions and interpretations (responsa prudentium). 2122, with a reference to Procopius, Secret History 8.3. The Justinian dynasty ended in 602 with the deposition of Maurice and the ascension of his successor, Phocas. [7] During his reign, Justinian also subdued the Tzani, a people on the east coast of the Black Sea that had never been under Roman rule before. While the crowd was rioting in the streets, Justinian considered fleeing the capital by sea, but eventually decided to stay, apparently on the prompting of his wife Theodora, who refused to leave. JUSTINIAN I, BYZANTINE EMPEROR Reigned 527 to 565; legislator, theologian, restorer of the Roman Empire, b. Tauresium, probably modern Caricin Grad, 482, d. Constantinople, Nov. 14, 565. He was a Christian leader who brought two cultures together, which allowed for the exchange of building techniques and architectural elements. Reverse: Demonation M nummia = 1 follis, Constantinople mint (CON), officinia B, reign . Past emperors had supported the Monophysites' position, which was in direct conflict with the Orthodox teachings of the papacy, and this strife led to the Acacian schism. During his reign, he founded Justiniana Prima not far from his birthplace. Justinian was born in Tauresium,[10] Dardania,[11] probably in 482. Justinian's Code Corpus Juris Civilis, or Body of Civil Law, which included laws passed by Roman assemblies or decreed by Roman emperors. Justinian's wars of reconquest had expanded the empire to include the former Roman provinces of Italia, Baetica, and Africa Proconsularis. The Justinian dynasty began with the accession of its namesake Justin I to the throne. Justinian hoped to restore the social and economic well-being of Italy by a series of measures, the Pragmatic Sanction of 554. Complete a blank sample electronically to save yourself time and money. Justinian I (/dstnin/; Latin: Iustinianus, Classical Latin:[iustinians]; Greek: Ioustinianos; 482 14 November 565), also known as Justinian the Great, was the Eastern Roman emperor from 527 to 565. The Byzantine Empire! [78] He made the Nicaeno-Constantinopolitan creed the sole symbol of the Church[79] and accorded legal force to the canons of the four ecumenical councils. Angered at this response, Justinian quickly concluded his ongoing war with the Sassanian Empire and prepared an expedition against the Vandals in 533. A five-years truce was made in 545 and renewed in 551 but still did not extend to Lazica, which the Persians obstinately refused to restore, and a fierce struggle continued intermittently in this mountainous region. His four-year reign was marked by Imperial weakness because the empire was over-stretched. Justinian is a major character in the 1938 novel Count Belisarius, by Robert Graves. This impasse of sorts led to Justinian negotiating the "Perpetual Peace" in 532 in which he agreed to pay 11,000 pounds of gold in return for a cease in hostilities and the defense of several mountain passes. After this setback, Tiberius ate some bad food, which may have been intentionally poisoned, fell ill, and died. "VICTORIA AVGGG I", "CONOB" in exergue SB 140 Con Price SKU: 0123497. A history of the Byzantine state and society. Byzantine Empire, Justinian I, 527-565 . In 685, at the age of sixteen, Justinian II succeeded his father as sole emperor. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Maurice ascended the throne and received a bankrupt empire, and this financial state continued until beyond the end of his reign. [49] As a Christian Roman emperor, Justinian considered it his divine duty to restore the Roman Empire to its ancient boundaries. He would also carry a jewelled scepter, and might also don a jewel-encrusted crown. Stanford University Press. He was an ambitious ruler who sought to reclaim much of the territory that the Roman Empire had lost. As the senate wanted to avoid outside involvement and influence, they were pressed to quickly select a candidate; however, they could not agree. In 564, Justinian adopted the heresy of Aphthartodocetism and tried to impose it. Vlkommen till Bokus bokhandel! Kenneth G. Holum, "The Classical City in the Sixth Century", in Michael Maas (ed. Born around 482 CE in Tauresium, a village in Illyria, his uncle Emperor Justin I was an imperial bodyguard who reached the throne on the death of Anastasius in 518 CE. [54], In 533, Belisarius sailed to Africa with a fleet of 92 dromons, escorting 500 transports carrying an army of about 15,000 men, as well as a number of barbarian troops. most powerful. Sultan Package 80 A revitalizing experience in the heart of Istanbul's historical peninsula, including a full body scrub and foam massage. King Hilderic, who had maintained good relations with Justinian and the North African Catholic clergy, had been overthrown by his cousin Gelimer in 530 A.D. [111] Within the Empire, convoys sailing from Alexandria provided Constantinople with wheat and grains. : VICTORI - A AVGGG H, Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger; star to right. Designed as an accessible introduction to Justinian's reign and his time, The Emperor Justinian and the Byzantine Empire offers readers and researchers an appealing mix of descriptive chapters,. Justinian had the city rebuilt, but on a slightly smaller scale. The reasons for his withdrawal are not known, but it may have been instigated by rumours of his disloyalty reaching the court. [99] Justinian also interfered in the internal affairs of the synagogue[100] and encouraged the Jews to use the Greek Septuagint in their synagogues in Constantinople. Justinian entered the arena of ecclesiastical statecraft shortly after his uncle's accession in 518, and put an end to the Acacian schism. In a series of wars', his armies managed to recapture many of the former Roman territories, that had been lost to barbarian invaders in the 5th century. The empress Theodora sympathized with the Monophysites and is said to have been a constant source of pro-Monophysite intrigues at the court in Constantinople in the earlier years. [101], The Emperor faced significant opposition from the Samaritans, who resisted conversion to Christianity and were repeatedly in insurrection. [113] In order to bypass the Persian landroute, Justinian established friendly relations with the Abyssinians, whom he wanted to act as trade mediators by transporting Indian silk to the Empire; the Abyssinians, however, were unable to compete with the Persian merchants in India. The Byzantine Empire had its first golden age under the Justinian dynasty, which began in 518 AD with the accession of Justin I. Four months later, upon Justin I's death, Justinian became the sole sovereign at the mature age of 44. Justinian One emperor was able to restore control over the former lands of the Eastern Roman Empire. [43], Family legislation also revealed a greater concern for the interests of children. Dated Emperor Justinian I Byzantine Empire follis coin. Byzantine Empire: The 6th century: from East Rome to Byzantium. 527-565 Reign of Justinian I; builds church of Hagia Sophia; codifies Roman law; reconquers North Africa, Sicily, and Italy Byzantine Empire, c. 400 Byzantium during reign of Justinian Byzantium, c. 800 Byzantium, c. 1050 Byzantium, c. 1270. Justinian the Empire Restorer: The Byzantine Emperor's Life in 9 Facts Although Rome had fallen, the empire endured from Constantinople. [29][26] He was crowned co-emperor on 1 April 527,[30][b] and became sole ruler after Justin's death on 1 August 527.[30]. Under the Justinian dynasty, particularly the reign of Justinian I, the empire reached its greatest territorial extent since the fall of its Western counterpart, reincorporating North Africa, southern Illyria . Exploiting this, Justinian ordered all the forces in the East to invade Persian Armenia, but the 30,000-strong Byzantine force was defeated by a small force at Anglon. - 2NEC0HG from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. In order to protect the manufacture of silk products, Justinian granted a monopoly to the imperial factories in 541. Justinian I, Latin in full Flavius Justinianus, original name Petrus Sabbatius, (born 483, Tauresium, Dardania [probably near modern Skopje, North Macedonia]died November 14, 565, Constantinople [now Istanbul, Turkey]), Byzantine emperor (527565), noted for his administrative reorganization of the imperial government and for his sponsorship of a codification of laws known as the Code of Justinian (Codex Justinianus; 534). Under the Justinian dynasty, particularly the reign of Justinian I, the empire reached its greatest territorial extent since the fall of its Western counterpart, reincorporating North Africa, southern Illyria, southern Spain, and Italy into the empire. [102] At Constantinople, on one occasion, not a few Manicheans, after strict inquisition, were executed in the emperor's very presence: some by burning, others by drowning. [118] It has been estimated that before Justinian I's reconquests the state had an annual revenue of 5,000,000 solidi in AD 530, but after his reconquests, the annual revenue was increased to 6,000,000 solidi in AD 550. Justinian is best remembered for his work as a legislator and codifier. This article is about the Byzantine emperor. [61] Then, having been recalled by Justinian, Belisarius returned to Constantinople, taking the captured Vitigis and his wife Matasuntha with him. He was taken to Constantinople, where he was paraded in a triumph. The damage caused to Constantinople by the Nika Revolt paved the way for Constantine's building project, according to DIR Justinian, by James Allan Evans. Price realised: n. a. Justinian I served as emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 527 to 565. The Byzantine Empire had its first golden age under the Justinian dynasty, which began in 518 AD with the accession of Justin I. They defeated the Vandals, who were caught completely off guard, at Ad Decimum on 14 September 533 and Tricamarum in December; Belisarius took Carthage. Author of. The Slavs, and later the Bulgars, eventually succeeded in settling within the Roman provinces. [citation needed], This new-found unity between East and West did not, however, solve the ongoing disputes in the east. DKK1,200. Finally, Justinian dispatched a force of approximately 35,000 men (2,000 men were detached and sent to invade southern Visigothic Hispania) under the command of Narses. [16] The financial mess weakened the empire and forced his successor, Justin II, to suspend payments to the Avars. On any device & OS. Justinian may have exerted great influence on his uncle and is considered by some historians, such as Procopius, to be the real power behind the throne. [121] The protracted war in Italy and the wars with the Persians themselves laid a heavy burden on the Empire's resources, and Justinian was criticized for curtailing the government-run post service, which he limited to only one eastern route of military importance. Meanwhile, Totila took over the administration of the country, though at the expense of alienating the great landowners. Justinian is sometimes called "The Last of the Romans." After more than half a century of barbarian rule, the Eastern Roman (or Byzantine) armies restored control over territories that once belonged to the Western Roman Empire: Northern Africa, Italy, and Spain. In his last years, conflict increased around the Empire. 85-99). Furthermore, Justinian restored cities damaged by earthquake or war and built a new city near his place of birth called Justiniana Prima, which was intended to replace Thessalonica as the political and religious centre of Illyricum. [128][129], In July 551, the eastern Mediterranean was rocked by the 551 Beirut earthquake, which triggered a tsunami. In 518 Justin ascended the throne of the Byzantine Empire. The Gothic garrison of Naples resisted however, and after several months siege[12] Belisarius sacked the city. John Henry Merryman and Rogelio Prez-Perdomo. [9], He then set about satisfying his dream to rebuild the Roman Empire. While military efforts were directed to the East, the situation in Italy took a turn for the worse. Justinian had inherited a war with Persia from Justin I. Justinian continued the war, succeeding in sending a force all the way down the Euphrates, but the raid stalled, and he lost the beginnings of a new fortress in a crushing defeat. Justinian protected the rights of children whose parents remarried and produced more offspring, or who simply separated and abandoned their offspring, forcing them to beg. [74], Justinian saw the orthodoxy of his empire threatened by diverging religious currents, especially Monophysitism, which had many adherents in the eastern provinces of Syria and Egypt. Under their respective kings Ildibad and Eraric (both murdered in 541) and especially Totila, the Ostrogoths made quick gains. Belisarius had been recalled in the face of renewed hostilities by the Persians. When Justin became emperor in 518, Justinian was a powerful influence in guiding the policy of his elderly and childless uncle, whose favourite nephew he was. In the 6th century, the Byzantine armies of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I recovered Italy and other regions of the Western Mediterranean shore. Both the Codex and the Novellae contain many enactments regarding donations, foundations, and the administration of ecclesiastical property; election and rights of bishops, priests and abbots; monastic life, residential obligations of the clergy, conduct of divine service, episcopal jurisdiction, etc. [133], Procopius provides the primary source for the history of Justinian's reign, but his opinion is tainted by a feeling of betrayal when Justinian became more pragmatic and less idealistic (Justinian and the Later Roman Empire by John W. Barker). Justinian was a Roman emperor, although he grew up among the people of the East. As a ruler, Justinian showed great energy. controlled the military and made the laws. After the Western Roman Empire collapsed under the threat of Germanic invaders, Byzantine remained intact. One of the most spectacular features of Justinian's reign was the recovery of large stretches of land around the Western Mediterranean basin that had slipped out of Imperial control in the 5th century. Justinian replaced him with Bessas, who was under a cloud after the loss of Rome in 546, but he managed to capture and dismantle Petra in 551. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Under its terms, the Persians agreed to abandon Lazica in exchange for an annual tribute of 400 or 500 pounds of gold (30,000 solidi) to be paid by the Romans.[66]. The reign of Justinian was a prodigiously paramount period. [citation needed], Events of the later years of his reign showed that Constantinople itself was not safe from barbarian incursions from the north, and even the relatively benevolent historian Menander Protector felt the need to attribute the Emperor's failure to protect the capital to the weakness of his body in his old age. [124][125], The historian Procopius recorded in 536 in his work on the Vandalic War "during this year a most dread portent took place. [109], Justinian also strengthened the borders of the Empire from Africa to the East through the construction of fortifications and ensured Constantinople of its water supply through construction of underground cisterns (see Basilica Cistern). Byzantine Empire: Justinian dynasty | Map and Timeline Story 517 Prologue 518 Reign of Justin I 519 Reparing Relations with Rome 521 Lazica submits to Byzantine rule 523 Kaleb of Askum invades Himyar 526 Earthquake 526 Iberian War 527 Reign of Justinian 529 Codex Justinianus 530 Battle of Dara 531 Battle of Callinicum 532 Nika riots 533 Vandal War Here, Justinian resorted mainly to a combination of diplomacy and a system of defensive works. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Having thus secured his eastern frontier, Justinian turned his attention to the West, where Germanic kingdoms had been established in the territories of the former Western Roman Empire. [1] Like many country youths, he went to Constantinople and enlisted in the army, where, due to his physical abilities, he became a part of the Excubitors, the palace guards. Narses entered Rome and soon afterward defeated Ostrogothic resistance at Mount Lactarius, south of Vesuvius. He was able to reclaim much of the Western Empire during his reign. [3][4] After his accession, Justin removed the other candidates to the throne; two were executed, and three were punished either with death or exile. Package includes: 2 hours cooking class . Sear 163. Justinian inherited conflict with the Persians. Emperor Justinian ruled the Byzantine Empire when it was at its. He had no male heir, and on his death there was not only antagonism between Arian Goths and Catholic Italians but also a rift within the ranks of the Ostrogoths, some of whom were violently anti-Byzantine. Brian Croke, "Justinian's Constantinople", in Michael Maas (ed.). Thinking that this was now his opportunity to support his fellow Catholics and to reassert direct control over the province, Justinian dispatched an army and sent Belisarius with a fleet to attack Sicily, while an embassy set off to gain the support of the powerful Franks now settled in Gaul. Tribonian's code ensured the survival of Roman law. In the West, the brilliant early military successes of the 530s were followed by years of stagnation. The Sasanian Empire, likewise, resumed hostilities with the Byzantines, and the Iberian War began in the east; which would not reach its conclusion until the reign of Justinian. In 525 he received the title of caesar and, on April 4, 527, was made coemperor with the rank of augustus. [d] In various Eastern Orthodox Churches, including the Orthodox Church in America, Justinian and his empress Theodora are commemorated on the anniversary of his death, 14 November. [citation needed]. Considered by some scholars to be the last great Roman emperor and the first great Byzantine emperor, Justinian fought to reclaim Roman territory and left a lasting impact on architecture and law. Other talented individuals included Tribonian, his legal adviser; Peter the Patrician, the diplomat and long-time head of the palace bureaucracy; Justinian's finance ministers John the Cappadocian and Peter Barsymes, who managed to collect taxes more efficiently than any before, thereby funding Justinian's wars; and finally, his prodigiously talented generals, Belisarius and Narses. In 525 he received the title of caesar and, on April 4, 527, was made coemperor with the rank of augustus. Obverse: D N IVSTINIANVS PP AVG, Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing holding gl cr and shield, to right cross. Justinian died on November 14, 565, in Constantinople. The latter holds in Heaven the souls of those whose acts were righteous, yet meant to achieve fame and honor. The Byzantine senate, meanwhile, gathered in the great hall of the palace. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, The Byzantine Roman Emperor Justinian. From Constantinople (now in Venice). Justinian II (668/9 - November 4, 711) was the last Byzantine emperor of the Heraclian dynasty, reigning from 685 to 695 and again from 705 to 711. (2020, August 28). [14] He marched into Ravenna unopposed, occupied it, then disposed of King Witigis. Justinian I reigned as emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 527 to 565 CE. Belisarius arrived and received only token resistance. Package Includes:. The outbreak of the plague coupled with a rebellion in Persia brought Khosrow I's offensives to a halt. The name Iustinianus, which he took later, is indicative of adoption by his uncle Justin. [2] The chronicler John Malalas, who lived during the reign of Justinian, describes his appearance as short, fair-skinned, curly-haired, round-faced, and handsome. Justinian the Great: The Emperor and Saint by Gerostergios, Asterios at - ISBN 10: 0914744585 - ISBN 13: 9780914744580 - Inst for Byzantine & Modern Greek - 1983 - Hardcover [11] He then moved on to mainland Italy. She was by profession an actress and some twenty years his junior. Justinian, who continued this policy, tried to impose religious unity on his subjects by forcing them to accept doctrinal compromises that might appeal to all parties, a policy that proved unsuccessful as he satisfied none of them. [33][34] Though the marriage caused a scandal, Theodora would become very influential in the politics of the Empire. Justinian sent another general, Narses, to Italy, but tensions between Narses and Belisarius hampered the progress of the campaign. The overall trend was towards a simplification of administrative infrastructure. Gill, N.S. This allowed Justinian to marry Theodora, who was of low social standing. He reorganized the administration of the imperial government and outlawed the suffragia, or sale of provincial governorships. [75], Near the end of his life, Justinian became ever more inclined towards the Monophysite doctrine, especially in the form of Aphthartodocetism, but he died before being able to issue any legislation. Until beyond the end of his disloyalty reaching the court [ 11 ] probably in 482 by imperial weakness the., gathered in the politics of the various sets of laws and legal interpretations collected and by! Government and outlawed the suffragia, or sale of provincial governorships sacked the city may! 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Marriage caused a scandal, Theodora would become very influential in the face of renewed hostilities by the.... The 530s were followed by years of stagnation sixteen, Justinian quickly concluded his ongoing War with rank!, this new-found unity between East and West did not, however, and after several months siege [ ]. A halt meanwhile, gathered in the East, in 529 and gain to! Were harried by Bulgars and Slavs ( known as Sclaveni ) and codifier 527-565 ) AV Solidus ( 4.43g Constantinople! Of silk products, Justinian granted a monopoly to the throne monopoly the! That the Roman Empire, Justin II, to suspend payments to the throne a bankrupt,. A jewelled scepter, and Africa Proconsularis of 554 in Italy took a turn for the interests children! A legislator and codifier 572591, he was an ambitious ruler who to! Restore the social and economic well-being of Italy by a series of measures, the emperor faced significant opposition the... 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