The powders work. Pure is best and application matters as well. I recommend you read the entire post but if you are in a rush and want to skip to the usage instructions, please click here. Hi Pete, thanks for helping Sharon with that great suggestion! You will be fine, dont stress just always use food grade in future. Pet food allergies are very common, especially if their food has any type of corn variation or soy in it. I have seen no mention of anyone using it on human bedding, so I would love to hear your thoughts on that. Every night id get bitten 10 times no matter which room I slept in, tried throwing my bed away to sleep on the floor and same thing. Let me know please, I will help you through this. thats when I discovered DE. Shes very sensitive to medicines, that is why I want to try this product for her tapeworm. This is ground remains of a freshwater algae called Diatoms. Hi Judy, yes you can but it only really works when it is dry (so no humidity or rainy weather), so I recommend you give beneficial nematodes a try. Hello Question can this diatomaceous earth food be used to give to my dog to prevent the ticks and fleas? To get to where I am today, I have put diatomaceous earth in our home, first started in parts of my bedroom carpet last night, I could see a difference. Paula Fitzsimmons is a content marketing writer and journalist who writes about pets as they intersect with topics related to health, nutrition, technology, and lifestyle. Hope that helps, please share my blog on FB if you appreciated my time . I ran and bought frontline and put it on all 3 of them, then 13 days later they became infested again! but I wouldnt advise you use it directly on your pets. We recently rescued a choc lab that was going to be dumped at the shelter or the pound ! It does not say food grade on the package, but is listed as organic. A third cat shows no externals signs except for scratching. Besides being drying, why wouldnt it be good for pets that are smaller in mass? I found DE at the local farmers store but it says it is for killing bugs and spiders (yuk). This was about 3-4 wks. Thank you!! Read our complete guide to using beneficial nematodes here. Well, theres bad news for the flea beetles everywhere, now that youve learned their plan of attack. I have been using this on my two cats flea problem. I like that the pure stuff is white. In conclusion, using this simple and natural powder can do wonders for household flea problems. I bought the DE, flea products for the animals, and am washing bedding. However, I am in the process of writing an article on using a mix of tea tree oil and water to do just that, stay tuned for it . Glad that you like them Provided you get food grade DE, she will be fine. Food grade DE is mixed with animal feed (where it coats particles) to prevent binding and clumping. Hi Megan, that is unusual, but may I suggest using a broom to brush the DE into the carpet? It sounds like you have taken the necessary steps to put a dent in their population, and it doesnt sound like you have a big infestation. I am still getting them in my clothes even though they have been washed with borax and detergent and dried on high cotton setting. But if you absolutely need them, here are a few that will aid you in your fight against flea beetles: Check out our article on safe spray practices for advice. Hi Sue, it is safe but I have heard that it can get in their nostrils a bit so rather keep them away, maybe put them in the bathroom? I knew the DE is used in chicken pens to keep fleas out, so I went to a local farm supply store and picked up a jug of food grade DE. I cant remember how long it took me last year to take care of the situation but hopefully it will be soon. Would it be ok to simply distribute the DE around the whole house and leave it on for at least a week before vacuuming to be sure we get both the adult fleas and their eggs? Thanks! I have a tile bathroom and have washed the bathroom rug 100 times! Going out into the woods I searched for a product that would do the job if sprayed on my clothes. I can put around their homes, food area but they will not let me get close enough to put on them directly. I have a 9 month old daughter and I saw one on her neck! Fleas thrive in humidity and heat. thank you very much for this comprehensive ariticle on DE but I dont have a clue how densely it should be spread it around. A friend of mine told me about DE, and your website was the most informative one I got when I googled it. Hopefully this will give you the confidence to start using it if you are not convinced already. I will be back here in a month to let you know how this war turns out. I continued to vacuum and spray the carpets with hot shot spray, this unfortunately doesnt contain an igr. I put it on the floor 3 days ago. I usually use a plastic container with holes in the top (I usually make the holes lol) and use it like a salt shaker. It doesnt say anything in the directions about cleaning pools but it doesnt say anything about it being a food grade. ), or do you put it on and then wash them? I am not sure about the 10 years thing, but I think that as long as it is dry, it should be good. That should be enough to wipe out the next generation of fleas. Im off to try and find your article about flea solutions for cats! Have a good one! I found a flea and flea dirt. They are good for nothing! Will let you know in a few weeks if the fleas have fled. or anywhere else, so questions are how bad is the infestation and what do I need to do to get rid of them for good? Alexis once managed a sizable CSA operation in Valley Center, Kansas, and her specialization is in growing high quality organic vegetables. All Rights Reserved 2022. Breathing it in small amounts and having it on our hands is not all that problematic. We live in Tennessee. The are biting my legs at night and I can take my smaller kitty, turn her over and pop fleas, so I tried a Zodiac house flea bombs (we had to stay out of the house for 4 hours and do massive clean up afterwards) . Since its rather cheap the only real challenge is finding time to do it but I promise you that it will be worth it as it works great . Again I have found your blog verg helpful in answering any remainer question I have, and i will make reapply the DE over the next six week fo kill the flea cycle. Also works great on those gray kissing bugs and stinkbugs. Please contact me through my email. Diatoms are single-celled algae that inhabit streams, lakes, oceans and other waterways. Natasha,can the DE be used on cloth furniture (sofa etc?). . Should I or should I not treat my dog with the powder? Literally field tested it during hunting season with great results! If anyone is wondering I used Capstar and bathed them in Dawn in the beginning. Im going to order it asap as the poor gals are miserable. Do i put this on her fur. I ordered some Advantage and Indorex from Amazon as soon as I could and applied the Advantage onto him and sprayed the upstairs rooms with Indorex. Thanks for taking the time to provide all this info, I really appreciate it , Hi I just notice diatomaceous earth in a pet food supplement. If your pet is coughing or sneezing, take them to clear air, make sure their bed is up off the ground for a while. Thanks for the share, really helps . I use a old large spice shaker jar for application. i have been vacumming daily but this is where most of our storage is that is used in house and or clothing in boxes is there anything else i should do so i can get rid of the fleas and make sure they dont populate? However, there are other alternatives for flea control and I highly recommend that you take a look at and if you would like me to point you in the right direction, let me know what else you have tried and I will help you out . Sometimes a little floury feeling in ears. Hi Melanie! After doing a little research (havnt seen that in my country), it seems that you may have purchased feed grade variant of DE. Organic management methods may be employed to combat these pests through cultural, physical, and organic-approved sprays and drenches. You can use it for inside the house (carpets, etc.). Hi Linda! When she's not working or caring for animals, she can be found enjoying the outdoors or reading a good book. Use a soap and warm water solution and wash down the bathroom (mops, cloths, etc. That is why a wet diatomaceous earth powder will absorb nothing. I was told by one person I could sprinkle on my dogs food? My dog cant walk 5 steps without scratching. Is it also safe to use DE? I sprinkled it on carpet and sofas.. Is it safe for my 9 year old daughter to be me in the same room that I sprinkled carpet in? Hi there, I havnt seen that brand but that doesnt mean it isnt good, does it say food grade on it? We are going to be using Capstar daily x 5 days per our vet, followed by Nexguard (they said that the topical flea prevention isnt regulated and fleas have become resistant to most). Any suggestions to rid of these fleas would be appreciated. Thank you thank you! I have been using the chihuahua as the control because he has short white hair and fleas are easy to see on him. I recommend giving it a try and reporting back your results, looking forward to hearing from you . So, how did you avoid this nightmare using your broom as you instructed??? Glad its working for you and that I could help! I have seen you respond to others about it being ok to leave on couches and beds etc.. LOL, Am I forgetting anything? Im ready to give this a try, do I have to leave with my pups (they are 15 and 18 lbs) or can I put the DE down and we stay home???? Is it safe to either sprinkle or dust DE on the mattress, say in the morning, and then vacuum it off in the evening before making the bed? within a week I caught hundreds and hundreds of fleas. Thanks. I am freaking out and would appreciate any advice. Special Flea Notes: Here at Nature's Control, we dust our pets with Diatomaceous Earth , a natural, completely non-toxic repellent. I have no carpets. Hi Dave! I do not walk in the grass myself without boots on and mostly avoid being in the yard. Does not say anything about FOOD GRADE. Thank you so much, Evie. Do you think that the DE will absorb the Advantage and prevent it from spreading over the cats? Hey Adrienne! (they luv it ) I sprinkle it on there bedding and also on them I have had no fleas problems if a flea jumps on them it dies .I use it out side as well Great stuff highly recommend it . Quote of the day: The garden is a mirror of the heart. -Unknown. Its more of a home and garden type situation, says Dr. Chris Reeder, DVM, DACVD, a board-certified veterinary dermatologist with BluePearl Pet Hospital in Franklin, Tennessee. She appears to be scratching less and I noticed that the small bugs, ants, etc. Very sincerely, Elizabeth Nice. Hi Natasha! For the fastidious gardener, this little beetle can cause a lot of frustration! Was that a terrible mistake? You can use a water based one, its just that the DE can make it get a bit clogged on a low-grade model and I dont want to inconvenience my readers in any way hehe. Ive seen some eggs and feces on our hand towel in the bathroom although it is way less than it was before. Gotta figure out what to do for the animals though. My other younger son has a few bites but nothing compared to myself and the other sons. Thanks again for being awesome and helping us bug infested people reclaim our homes and sanity. In three days the gardener will be here to mow the lawn. I would just wipe the laminate with warm soapy water and then use DE on your carpets. It was disgusting. Food grade DE is great for your pets, even when ingested. But the lady told me it was safe to use for flea control. Everything Ive read says that birds lungs are very sensitive and to not expose them to chemicals, candles, etc. Diatomaceous earth may also irritate the eyes, due to its abrasive nature. So in other words, you dont need to put tons of the powder down, it just need to be enough to finely dust the surfaces. Extra light? Spray it on your hand or directly on your pet and massage it to the skin. Yes you can, its completely harmless (just a bit dusty thats all hehe). Hi! Erica, Just a heads upFrontline doesnt seem as effective as before. Hi Kim, no it will not hurt them. Im wondering if there is something that I am doing wrong as far as the way that I am applying it to them seeing as I have read such good reviews on this stuff. i am confusedif DE kills fleas why would I use the chemical based products like Frontline? I didnt think so. It took the smell completely away with one bath. It is a pleasure, always happy to help! Just found your article. Thanks for all your support! I too have 2 dogs, with fleas Just started using D.E. Good luck! You can vacuum it up with a regular bag based vacuum cleaner or just brush and pan it up. I recommend purchasing some 40 mule DE, its affordable and pure. If you dont, the first step will be to find out where the fleas are coming from, and deal with that with haste. I have to walk around with my pants tucked into my socks and Im constantly finding them on my socks and picking them off the floor. I then gave Boo Capstar pills which killed his fleas. Hi Alethea! Diatomaceous earth can and will kill fleas in your home, says Ramsey. Diatomaceous earth is likely best for environmental treatment when used in conjunction with products that get applied directly to the pet, like flea preventatives, says Falk. Thanks for the suggestion, I have never heard of that product. Freshly hatched larvae feed on the roots of plants for the next three to four weeks. I live in Malta (near sicily Diatom is not easy to find. The DE is a pain to vacuum up because it will clog your vacuum cleaner filters quickly. I got safer brand DE 77 percent 22 percent is that ok I cant find anything else what is the brand name of the 100 percent I put it on my dogs is it going to be ok??? Hi Linda! I am also a little unsure honestly but since it says food grade (which means its completely safe), it should be fine. Hi Peggy! Read this article and went to home Depot the next day and bought a huge bag. Hello! Since using the diatomaceous earth also known as d.e., they never had a bed bug problem again. Didnt think anymore about it. I suggest you brush it into the carpet, leave it for 2-3 days, vacuum it up and repeat if necessary. Any suggestions on what I might have done wrong? Should the Nematodes be applied a period of time before applying DE? The only rug in my apt. Yes, you dont need to keep washing them to kill fleas if you have DE in place, just make sure its food grade. I usually remove tapeworm from my pets using a tablet so I suggest grabbing something like that from your vet, not too sure why they recommended a liquid, very strange lol. Let me know how that goes. Tapeworms in animals can be caused by fleas. It has a long thin nozzle and you squeeze the plastic container and the dust puffs out the tip, directly where you want it to go. Should i dust and/or launder them too? My house is old, I live with my grandfather, and he refuses to get rid of all his old stuff around the house (making it very hard to deep clean and de-clutter, which makes it very hard to thoroughly clean to get rid of fleas). The flea beetle (family Chrysomelidae) is a pesky visitor to most gardens. Hi Janice, thanks for sharing your experiences and for the suggestion . In laboratory tests, it caused lung inflammation and emphysema [13]. Wonderful! Hi Natasha, I was just curious I was looking to use DE on my carpets and rugs upstairs where my cat was until i found fleas. Yes, it can be used on couches but it creates quite a bit of a dust cloud so take it easy hehe. Hi there, just make sure you have the food grade DE and you can stay at home. Be careful of diatomaceous earth products that mention its concentration is less than 90%. Hi Carrol! Long story short It didnt work, so I redid everything, still no grass. Hi Deniece! I would start with just the floors honestly, the likely hood of fleas being in their toys, the bookshelves, etc. Hi Rick! I once put borax in my carpet and when it was humid, the borax absorbed all the water and then the carpet was actually damp and almost felt wet. I just put down de for fleas. Food Grade. Just make sure you use a shopvac or a sturdy vacuum to suck it up, as it can get clogged up easily. I found over 15 on my dog in a two day period. Does using DE seem like an appropriate way to handle this situation? If so whats the dosage to give my52 pound dog and When to give on a weekly basis monthly basis etc Thank u Michele, Hi Michele! If you want that, a spot on treatment is probably best (dont use a flea collar). I again have a flea problem from rescuing a kitten we found outside (my 2 cats are strictly indoor but this lil gem has spread her unwelcomed itchy invaders thruout her new home and play mates. Hi there, it should be fine. Yeah it is pretty bad, unfortunately companies across many industries perfect horrible tests (e.g. There are two main types of diatomaceous earth, categorized by their levels of crystalline silica: The food grade variety, labeled Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for human consumption, contains between 0.5 and two percent crystalline silica. Its not dangerous but its best to combine a pet specific product (e.g. Love the stuff, its natural and chemical free as long as you get the food grade. Your article about flea solutions for cats then use DE on your hand or on... Package, but is listed as organic the cats guide to using beneficial here. 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