The spread of low-density urban or suburban development outward from an urban center. b. ordered to cease work on the project. Deed restrictions can be created by all of the following EXCEPT, The primary intent of zoning ordinances is to, Last week, the city council passed a zoning ordinance that prohibits packaged food sales in the area where a family-run grocery store has operated for the last 30 years. Which of the following stamens is FALSE regarding a broker's responsibility regarding land use? The cast of four engaging performers wake up and begin their day. 27 cents per kWh Which of the following is true regarding zoning laws? They discourage sprawl. Cities give people places to live with smaller land use. For the underlined section, choose the revision that most improves the writing. the pollution of streams by oily runoff water from parking lots What is the future value of the account in 4 years? b. Individuals who receive such false information or misdirection may have no knowledge that they have been victims of discrimination. D. All the above. c. nonconforming use permit. b. property owners. What is the explanation for the population trend from 1950 to 1980? O They have been outlawed in most cities. A residential developer's deed restrictions would probably include all of the following EXCEPT, All the following are true about historic preservation zoning EXCEPT, A tire company has a manufacturing plant located in an area that has just been rezoned for residential use. To refuse to make reasonable accommodations in land use and zoning policies and procedures where such accommodations may be necessary to afford persons or groups of persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy housing. Look up the financial strength ratings for particular insurance companies until you find two with different ratings. Common examples include minimum lot size requirements, minimum square footage . A broker: A. must avoid any representation about a property's zoning without verifying the property's zoning and, if appropriate, flood hazard area maps and any restrictive covenants affecting the property. 55% They can encourage sprawl. a. CLUE:___________ E. A master plan eliminates the need for zoning ordinances. landscaping with AstroTurf in dry environments. This is referred to as legal nonconforming use, or being grandfathered in. The original purpose of parks in eastern U.S. cities was to ________. a. become a preexisting nonconforming use. develop walkable communities, with homes and businesses close together light pollution, Which of the following was most influential in shifting the population of developed countries from the farms to the cities? Under an existing ordinance, no building signs may extend more than three feet above the highest point of the roof. A city issued a building permit to a homeowner for the addition of a family room and additional bedroom with full bath. They usually encourage sprawl. Of the twenty-seven amendments to the United States Constitution, how many pertain to real estate? Streets, curbs, and sidewalks in a new subdivision are usually provided by the a. indefinitely under a legal nonconforming use. 2. suburbs increased agricultural activities Zoning is based on the principal of use separation. - PUDs b. the adjacent neighbors must give written consent for the addition. Vernon Taber deposits $600 into an ordinary annuity after each quarter for 4 years. Pickup trucks are only about half as energy efficient as SUVs. smart growth double-deck all roads and have more limited-access expressways The term major life activity may include seeing, hearing, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, caring for one's self, learning, speaking, or working. Census data indicate that the Hispanic population is the fastest growing segment of our nation's population. c. are often removed by a court of competent jurisdiction. Some people who live in the suburbs will search for new places to live closer to where they work. The Department of Justice has brought many enforcement actions against those who failed to do so. When the services are rendered without regard to when cash is received. O Submit Provide Feedback This problem has been solved! increased crime an aging population and a declining tax base Zoning ordinances cities in the northern United States, such as Chicago, Illinois, and Portland, Oregon, in developing nations, such as Delhi, India. b. c. use of the property. Throughout history, all cities have ________. What is true about the importance of location for cities that were founded over 100 years ago versus the cities that are rapidly growing today? in 1950, urban populations is more developed regions and less developed regions were almost equal Such discrimination can be based either upon the country of an individual's birth or where his or her ancestors originated. Select all that apply. From the 1950s to the 1970s many cities experienced a loss in population as people left for the suburbs. c. the municipality must issue an occupancy permit. All of these are factors that led to this migration EXCEPT __________. increased population growth d. the municipality must finalize a special-use permit. Computers, printers, and elevator It is a line on a map separating regions open to urban development from rural areas. - regional planning, REAL ESTATE: Review Questions Chapter Five, Chapter 2: estates in real property and forms, Lesson 2: Basic Residential Appraisal Princip, North Carolina Statutes and Regulations for C, Commercial Insurance Coverages (Casualty), The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, AP Edition, Arthur Getis, Daniel Montello, Mark Bjelland, Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences, Karl E. Byleen, Michael R. Ziegler, Michae Ziegler, Raymond A. Barnett. building on a golf course urban growth boundaries They have been outlawed in most cities. people using too much land to build new housing - deed restrictions b. be required to be torn down. 1,100 MWh, Estimate the total energy use at the lab building and the total estimated savings. HVAC, The water reuse system on the campus of Georgia Southern University __________. All of the following factors have contributed to movement of people to suburbs EXCEPT: unbridled growth She hears the noise of frogs and insects and birds that she never would have noticed if not trapped in traffic. Rural populations are projected to drop in both more developed and less developed regions. buses. Spacious lots in residential tracts that spread over large areas but are far from urban centers and commercial amenities street lighting and burning of wastes in landfills The Division's enforcement of the Fair Housing Act's protections for persons with disabilities has concentrated on two major areas. recycled all paper used in its program and at football games, promoted programs that reduced fossil fuel use and sequestered carbon. - the Act only covers land with buildings on it, exemptions ot the registration requirements of the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act include all of the following EXCEPT: d. comprehensive master plan. From the 1950s-1990s, many cities experienced a loss in population as people left for the suburbs. collects runoff water from lawns and parking lots to water lawns and gardens on campus - all of the above, private land controls are enforced by: The right to zone comes from the government's power of escheat. - protective covenants Write an essay offering alternatives to war that might have solved the internal problems of one of the two nations . schools References. Air travel, the Internet, cheap fossil fuels and television all have allowed people to ________. Chapter 3: Housing Regulations. Since 2009, for the first time ever more people in the world were living in _____ areas than _____ areas. These are the main types of zoning laws: Residential: Covers homes, and while you can run a business out of your home, specific locations have restrictions. d. Building permits help ensure compliance with zoning requirements. pollution from cities negatively impacting rural communities Voting and Election, Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD], Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), zoning and other regulations concerning land use. - the NCDOT has approved the street plans prior to the subdivision plat being recorded d. Environmental restrictions. d. price of the property. Cities generally obtain the food for their citizens from _____. Most cities would be better served by having both a bus system and a commuter rail system. Women, particularly those who are poor, and with limited housing options, often have little recourse but to tolerate the humiliation and degradation of sexual harassment or risk having their families and themselves removed from their homes. When the impact of a zoning regulation on your property effectively prohibits you from doing anything profitable with your land, you might have a case. The Fair Housing Act affords no protections to individuals with or without disabilities who present a direct threat to the persons or property of others. b. Zoning laws, or ordinances, provide rules about using a piece of land or property, as well as the maximum size or occupancy allowed. Sometimes a supplier offers a discount if a specific invoice is paid in full within 15 days; in such cases, the company takes advantage of the discount. - placing a factory in an area zoned for residential only the wetlands include oyster beds and shallow estuaries that are habitats for shrimp, crabs, and fish which are supporting many local industries. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. d. all of the above. to shift transportation planning away from SUV-sized vehicles to accommodate hybrid cars, to create functional neighborhoods in which most of a family's needs can be met close to home without the use of a car. Improve the soil through organic waste and wastewater techniques, Greenways ________. pollution control Zoning is local in nature. Which of these is an objection that has been raised in regard to the use of zoning and urban growth boundaries? developer's fees replaced all vehicles with electric cars Building codes This includes new immigrants from Southeastern Asia, such as the Hmong, the former Soviet Union, and other portions of Eastern Europe. ABC company deposits all customer payments into its checking account. Commercial: For business operations, and can include . People liked the room and privacy of the larger houses and lots in the suburbs. take away incentives for renewal of urban areas, The practice of classifying areas for different types of development and land use is referred to as ________. Suburbanites take up many times as much space as city dwellers. II. a. a required disclosure of the developer on any resale transactions. 2028 farms MEANING:___________. For example, landlords may not locate families with children in any single portion of a complex, place an unreasonable restriction on the total number of persons who may reside in a dwelling, or limit their access to recreational services provided to other tenants. This trail is a greenway that was formerly a railroad line. growing at a faster rate than the global population as a whole. Which of the following statements is true regarding sustainable cities? Below each passage, write (a)(a)(a) the clue that led you to the meaning, and (b)(b)(b) the meaning itself. which of the following statements about land use controls is NOT correct? b. building codes. - neither, the government regulates all of the following EXCEPT: b. desire to live in less stressful, more peaceful park-like condition. - I, II, and III, which of the following statements concerning flood hazard areas is correct? Answer the following multiple-choice problems. green-washing, L'Enfant's 1791 Plan of the U.S. capital represented the first ________. c. information that a broker must disclose only in new construction transactions. - I and IV a. municipality. a. municipality changed the zoning ordinance, prohibiting buildings that exceed six stories in height. deed restrictions that run with the land are which of the following? Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding building permits in North Carolina? If the plant is destroyed by fire or other hazard, the tire company, If the buyer of a vacant lot builds a house that violates the restrictions in the deed, the buyer may face all of the following types of enforcement EXCEPT. Most of the mortgage lending cases brought by the Department under the Fair Housing Act and Equal Credit Opportunity Act have alleged discrimination based on race or color. Farming is restricted outside the UGB boundary. green buildings 95% 2018 A. See the answer Show transcribed image text Expert Answer 5%, The student report estimated $45,500 in electricity savings. Sustainable cities tend to be livable cities that provide a good quality of life for their residents. This Joint Statement focuses on the Fair Housing Act, not on other federal civil rights laws that prohibit state and local governments from adopting or implementing land use and zoning practices that discriminate based on a protected characteristic, such as Title II of the Large-scale initiatives to shape the public realm, usually undertaken by philanthropists and civic groups. sprawl is more than twice as high for automobiles as it is for any other form of transportation How did the University of Florida help address the problem of global warming? reduced the amount of carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere, decreased production of carbon dioxide and reduced the amount of carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere, The University of Florida's athletic program became carbon neutral because it _____. \text { C } & 7,600 & 4 \\ There are other federal statutes that prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, which is enforced by the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division. What was the approximate cost of electricity in cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) used to calculate this savings? Cities give people places to live with smaller land use. b. The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to tax. passed a bill giving property owners the right to ignore UGB's widely spaced homes spread evenly across a vast tract of land passed legislation forbidding the construction of any new single-family homes How does planting trees offset carbon generated by the University of Florida athletic program? Their construction usually costs less than for conventional buildings. Zoning regulations and restrictions are used by municipalities to control and direct the development of property within their borders. The 2007 UGB restricts development that is on a large scale or that impacts sensitive natural areas outside its boundaries. encourage urban agriculture The term mental or physical impairment may include conditions such as blindness, hearing impairment, mobility impairment, HIV infection, mental retardation, alcoholism, drug addiction, chronic fatigue, learning disability, head injury, and mental illness. The improved lots are then sold to the general public. Essentially, zoning laws determine which types of properties can coexist in different areas of . classify areas for different types of urban development and land use to provide modern urban attractions (high-speed Internet, cultural institutions, and so on) to rural areas so people will return to a rural lifestyle a. subject to criminal penalties of fines and imprisonment. Bob continues to operate the five-unit building for the next 20 years. Given this set of facts, the grocery stores revenue cycle REA diagram would model the relationship between Sales and Customers as being ____. Clark can expand the convenience store to sell gasoline. concern over demographic transitions desire to live in less stressful, more peaceful park-like conditions desire for close-knit communities availability of more jobs in suburbs desire to have a garden, All of the following factors have contributed to movement of people to . building near a school The brand new 3-mile trail runs right through the city and was built without tearing down any buildings at all. He is engaged in the real estate business as a in locations where explorers first landed The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination based upon national origin. - real estate designated as being in a flood hazard area cannot be financed through any federally related laon program boundary-setting to create functional neighborhoods in which most of a family's needs can be met close to home without the use of a car are links that provide pathways for wildlife to travel between parks and preserves As elsewhere, in the world of accounting and finance, it often helps to be fluent in abbreviations and acronyms. recycling all construction wastes, The practice of classifying areas for different types of development and land use is referred to as ________. While Kayla is driving along a busy highway just outside a major city, she suddenly comes to a standstill in traffic. She is engaged in the real estate business as a in 2050, rural populations in less developed regions are projected to drop below 3 billion Why does Kayla never notice these natural wonders on her route? The Department of Justice brings suits on behalf of individuals based on referrals from HUD. to directly generate electricity from photosynthesis in the leaves, as biofuels that will not add any extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, LEED standards in the construction of new buildings establishes criteria that __________. an increase in violent crimes and an increase in vacancy and abandonment of homes b. In order to legally do this, the owner must be successful in obtaining a zoning In this manner we seek both to obtain relief for tenants who have been treated unfairly by a landlord because of sex and also deter other potential abusers by making it clear that they cannot continue their conduct without facing repercussions. CandidateA350CandidateB125CandidateC25, a. The REA diagram for ABCs expenditure cycle would model the relationship between Disburse Cash and Cash as being ___. Which of the following statements is true regarding sustainability? air warmed over adjacent oceans blowing into urban areas Pollution from cities negatively impacting rural communities In 2050, urban populations in less developed regions are projected to reach 5 billion. people in smaller cities tend to use mass transit more than they do in large cities Which of the following is true regarding zoning? uses tap water to water lawns and gardens and then catches and reuses any water that runs off of these systems street lights The athletic program reduced local energy consumption and planted trees. remain connected while living in less centralized communities, ENVR II 1402 - Chapter 13 The Urban Environme, Developmental Milestones and Primitive Reflex, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. The athletic program reduced local energy consumption and planted trees. which of the following statements about subdivision ordinances is (are) correct? - court injunction, a variance can be obtained in which of the following scenarios? - power of eminent domain use renewable energy sources and recycle materials minimal adverse health effects on occupants subways. water zoning As discussed in this chapter, when a city brings in its goods from elsewhere and exports its wastes, it does not provide for a sustainable and stable ecosystem. - lots offered only to building contractors A type of urban zoning act that is specific to Oregon. Junie is excited to go running on the city's newest running and bike trail. Given this set of facts, the relationship between the Sale and Receive Cash events would be modeled as being ___. The company is allowed to continue operating the plant under the new zoning classification. A subdivision is any parcel of land divided into five or more lots for the purpose of sale or development, now or in the future. Supply the necessary punctuation in the sentence. Master planning is a county-level function; zoning is limited to the city level. People sought out the better public transportation options present in the suburbs. contain parks that are large enough to harbor populations of exotic flora and fauna Contact the Webmaster to submit comments. effort to plan for agriculture in city areas 4. Otherwise, the company pays the full amount listed on the monthly statement within seven days of receiving the statement. greater availability of mass transit. Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of a building permit? Wayne Rogers, an administrator at a major university, recently said, "I've got some CDs in my IRA, which I set up to beat the IRS." b. a proprietary lease for the unit to be occupied. - II only A property owner does not need a building permit to construct his own personal residence. - policy power - the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure At Fair Housing Act. conserve energy and water and improve indoor air quality use locally produced resources The purpose of building permits is to The store is now an example of, Deed restrictions could legally restrict all of the following EXCEPT. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Whether subdivision streets are publicly or privately owned and maintained is What she is sensitive to is the rate of return she will earn on the investment. An old service station is located in an area recently zoned for residential use only. a. no further permission from the city is needed. If your committee finds that your college's potential savings would be similar to those shown for Penn State, action in which area or combination of areas would result in approximately 5% energy savings? building with mahogany imported from Brazil Which of the following is true regarding zoning laws? Typically, variances are granted when the property . The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing based upon religion. promote accessibility through building codes. towns. The Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. An investor is in the business of buying large tracts of land, carving them into small tracts, and then re-selling them. suburbs I. John had a legal nonconforming use The Department brings cases where there is evidence of a pattern or practice of discrimination or where a denial of rights to a group of persons raises an issue of general public importance. It is important to be aware of the applicable zoning regulations when dealing with a property that is legally described as Lot 4 on Reference Plan 44R-34875, Township . The most common form of land-use regulation is zoning. The Department of Justice has brought many cases alleging this kind of discrimination based on race or color. City X has a linear model of production. When cash is received without regard to when the services are rendered. - the Act is administered by HUD people generally drive fewer miles to and from work in a small city than in a large city The greatest general problem with suburbs is ________. d. grantors control the future use of the ownership. deregulation Which of the following statements is true? promoted programs that reduced fossil fuel use and sequestered carbon b. deed restriction. History. Encourage urban agriculture - creation of subdivisions People who live in the suburbs may press local politicians and city planners to develop better mass transit for the area. rural populations are projected to drop in both more developed and less developed regions Local zoning ordinances often regulate all of the following EXCEPT John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. use renewable energy sources and recycle materials How many megawatt hours (MWh) per year of savings did the students identify for computers at the Penn State Mueller Laboratory Building? having the land cover of a city grow much faster than its population a. generate revenue for the municipality. the preservation of sensitive habitat within Portland's borders While Kayla is driving along a busy highway just outside a major city, she suddenly comes to a standstill in traffic. One is insuring that zoning and other regulations concerning land use are not employed to hinder the residential choices of these individuals, including unnecessarily restricting communal, or congregate, residential arrangements, such as group homes. 62% Reread all or part of the text to help you answer the following questions. Buses are inefficient when there are few people riding on them. more space. Instead, it is a specific waiver of requirements of the zoning ordinance. Private land use controls include which of the following? Fans attending University of Florida athletic events are responsible for providing carbon offsets for _____. The purchaser of a property in a planned unit development will usually receive all of the following EXCEPT a. This means some areas of the city may allow for both residential property use as well as commercial property use. provide access to rail and bus transportation in the inner city or other high-density areas Buyers of property subject to the Act must receive a property report prior to creation of a sales contract. - it is not privately maintained, which of the following statement concerning zoning ordinances is/are true? maintain a steady pattern of growth and development A court order prohibiting certain land uses Since zoning laws can change over time, it's also possible that a property that used to be in line with zoning regulations no longer meets current zoning standards but is allowed to remain as-is and is considered legally compliant. food, Which of the following is a problem that occurs within cities because of the concentrated use of energy in buildings and vehicles and the large amount of dark surfaces that absorb solar energy? wastes heavy rail The Neutral Gator program used methods that _____. - a nonconforming use If a requested modification imposes an undue financial or administrative burden on a local government, or if a modification creates a fundamental alteration in a local government's land use and zoning scheme, it is not a "reasonable" accommodation. They have a reduced ecological footprint. are waterways within city parks In most cities, public mass transit systems are too expensive to be a viable long-term strategy for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. a. - aesthetic zoning causes undue hardship Misrepresentation is an element in both innocent misrepresentation and fraud. provide a European style experience of the beauty and intimacy of formal landscapes. b. control the activities of building inspectors. \hline uses water from campus sinks and toilets to water lawns and gardens on campus Pickup trucks are more energy efficient than SUVs. Enforcement of violations of federal law related to cannabis. BOb has obtained a legal nonconforming use Given this set of facts, the relationship between the Disburse Cash and Purchase events in the companys expenditure cycle REA diagram would be modeled as being ___. Research and compare the reasons why both the United States and China experienced civil war. View Available Hint (s) O They encourage sustainability. buildings painted green to help reflect sunlight the lack of jobs and lack of transportation to jobs. within walking distance of hunting and gathering grounds b. real estate broker. It may be frailits roof may shakethe wind may blow . Sometimes, housing providers try to disguise their discrimination by giving false information about availability of housing, either saying that nothing was available or steering homeseekers to certain areas based on race. 3601 et seq., prohibits discrimination by direct providers of housing, such as landlords and real estate companies as well as other entities, such as municipalities, banks or other lending institutions and homeowners insurance companies whose discriminatory practices make housing unavailable to persons because of: In cases involving discrimination in mortgage loans or home improvement loans, the Department may file suit under both the Fair Housing Act and theEqual Credit Opportunity Act. If granted, it permits the owner to use the land in a manner not otherwise permitted by the zoning ordinance. The athletic program eliminated all carbon emissions. landscaping with AstroTurf in dry environments. a. special use permit. developed; developing find a balance between imports and exports of resources, use renewable energy sources and recycle materials, The urban heat island effect is caused by ________. noise pollution ABC company has a checking account, savings account, and payroll account with the XYZ bank. that they spread environmental impact over a larger area. c. engineer. reduced use of energy and water a. Urban growth in more developed regions is projected to be faster than urban growth in less developed regions. Mass transit systems include all of the following EXCEPT: A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Hint ( s ) o they encourage sustainability recycle materials minimal adverse health effects occupants. Was the approximate cost of electricity in cents per kilowatt hour ( kWh ) to. 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