The colors are suggestive of the white and red stages of the alchemical process. A person is comprised of three separate components: body, soul, and spirit. My point I am making here is that there is no such thing as Twin Flame Journey Stages. Zosimus of Panopolis wrote that it was known to Mary the Jewess. To the mystic these correlations did not end in the exterior reality, rather they are projections from within our interior world and extend themselves outward into the world of form. In some cases, we have also discovered that we might come across an androgynous figure that symbolizes the uniting of duality, which is the center of alchemical marriage. Many partners use this stage to reflect on their long and rich history. Alchemical procedure for creating the philosopher's stone, Magnum opus in literature and entertainment, it is unclear if the text originates in the Middle Ages or in Late Antiquity, but it is generally assumed to predate 1150, when, "Meyrink und das theomorphische Menschenbild", pseudo-Apollonius of Tyana (Balns/Balns), John of Rupescissa (Jean de Roquetaillade), Book of the Silvery Water and the Starry Earth, Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, Liber Hermetis de alchemia (Liber dabessi), Suspicions about the Hidden Realities of the Air,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 12 February 2023, at 02:41. Remember, if you do not try, you will never be proven wrong that Law of Attraction works. Stage 1 - Alchemical Union (2D-4D Astral Relationship, Ancestral miasma, Sexual amplification, Karmic issues, Past timeline memories, Phantom matrices, False Ascension Matrix, Black Magician trauma or Astral Dark Arts Training, Negative Forms or Clones, Egyptian Trauma, Lemurian Trauma, Inner Child trauma, Telepathic, This combined energy fuels our business and keeps us protected and safe to fulfill our twin flame duties. This is nothing but ego based concept by making claim regarding The Chosen One. Conjunction is empowerment of our true selves, the union of both Masculine and Feminine sides, The Hieros Gamos, our inner marriage and union of our personalities into oneness, a pure state of consciousness. It is a union intentionally set for both of you to meet at a specific time for a specific reason. Reconnecting with your inner child has a powerful affect on your life. This gender statement is not true as we have two polarities of energy running through our human meridian lines. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Hermetically, this represents the birth of the fifth element within us: the quintessence. Beyer, Catherine. After breakfast, we take the time to Netflix and chill out together. When theyre out of touch with their ego and fail to see its unpredictable tides, theyre unable to transform into the gold of their spiritual selves. Our own spiritual cycle coming into a full death and rebirth circle. Stage 1 - Alchemical Union (2D-4D Astral Relationship, Ancestral miasma, Sexual amplification, Karmic issues, Past timeline memories, Phantom matrices, False Ascension Matrix, Black Magician trauma or Astral Dark Arts Training, Negative Forms or Clones, Egyptian Trauma, Lemurian Trauma, Inner Child trauma, Telepathic, WebThe stages of transformation might be seen as follows: calcination, which symbolizes "the death of the profane," that is, the extinction of all interest in life and in the manifest world, and putrefaction, a consequence of the first stage, which consists of the sepa ration of the destroyed remains. A true representation of a couple accepting themselves and each other without judgment. This is the marriage of the alchemical fire and water as our alchemical Sulfur and Mercury. The alchemists internal elements are recombined in the endeavor to create oneness from the four. During Coagulation, the alchemists heart has awakened, and unconditional love is discovered to be no mere sentiment, but the very fabric of reality. The masculine and feminine forces of nature have synthesized within the mystic, transmuting them into their Higher Self. The spirit-matter continuum is the essential theme of alchemy, where we see plurality spring forth from primordial unity, and the necessity of separation to create a higher order of union once more. The bringing together of the Red King and White Queen is sometimes described as reflecting the processes of both albedo and rubedo. In the esoteric sphere, the spirit-matter continuum is the essential theme of alchemy, where there is a refinement of the mystics vessel until gnosis has been awakened. Coagulation incarnates and releases theUltima Materiaof the Soul, the Astral Body, which The Alchemists also referred to as the Greater or Philosophers Stone. He kept giving me signs and syncs all along. "Marriage of the Red King and White Queen in Alchemy." Spirit is a kind of bridge that connects the two. You can read thefull article herehow I debunked this myth. Many partners use this stage to reflect on their long and rich history. Separation: The process of dissolution brought many of our inner workings and hidden patterns forward from their watery depths to be examined in the light of consciousness. Cosmic law dictates that we must renounce our identities before we can harmonize with our twin flames. The majority of people would like to advance into higher levels of awareness, while still maintaining the comforts of their identity, belief systems, and multiple contradictory views. [8] Ripley's steps are given as:[9], In another example from the sixteenth century, Samuel Norton gives the following fourteen stages:[10], Some alchemists also circulated steps for the creation of practical medicines and substances, that have little to do with the magnum opus. As a result, we experience wholeness in our spiritual core, which raises our vibration, and transforms us into truthful lovers, WebThe original process philosophy has four stages: nigredo, the blackening or melanosis; albedo, the whitening or leucosis; citrinitas, the yellowing or xanthosis; rubedo, the reddening, purpling, or iosis; The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. As the former self perishes, we encounter the inner void. The process can be split into two: putrefaction and spiritualization. If there is one self-actualized alchemist, they can merge with a worthy partner, and this grants the partner a crown and the power of alchemy. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. The masculine and feminine forces of nature have synthesized within the mystic, transmuting them into their Higher Self. To the esoteric sphere alchemy is our inner-stars, and to the exoteric sphere, alchemy was reduced to merely metallurgy and its sister sciences since the exoteric sphere could not conceive that the mineral kingdom was reflecting a higher nature that was present in all processes and at higher orders of operationan above. This is the esoteric meaning of the seven stages: Calcination: The initiation into higher states of consciousness is always done by subtracting rather than adding. Disparity stalls our spiritual growth and sets us back, further from obtaining our goals. Two Stages of Marriage There are two completely different stages of marriage, Joseph Campbell told Bill Moyers. For this reason, all awareness is fleeting, all gnosismechanical and rehearsed, all insights are about others and not of the self, with no genuine traction made. While doing my research, I saw this meme. Exaltation is a process of spiritual ecstasy or euphoria, a connection with Source Energy. Heart Palpitations And Spiritual Awakening, Twin Flame Number 7 - Journey Towards Ascension, There is nothing better than soaking in a bath using aroma oils o. r taking a shower to renew our mental clarity and cleanse our auras. WebTwin Flames and The Alchemical Marriage The Union of the Twin Flames is the ultimate Alchemical Marriage. and the spiritual ritual it invokes. This connection was based on the archetypal properties of each metal in the metallic kingdom being directed by their planetary equivalent through the law of correspondence. The struggle to recover our lost faculties that began in calcination, are fulfilled in this stage as the chemical transfusions from each phase have accumulated to create the sulfur of gold. The process of dissolution brought many of our inner workings and hidden patterns forward from their watery depths to be examined in the light of consciousness. Our thoughts and feelings shape who we are. The alchemical marriage between the inner king and queen symbolizes equilibrium between the feminine dimensions of consciousness, intuition, and emotion, and the masculine dimensions of consciousness, intellect, and logic. Within his bending sickle's compass come: Sorry, comments are closed for this post. The magnum opus had a variety of alchemical symbols attached to it. By daily accelerating consciousness through their communion with God, the saints gradually transcended the human ego. The fifth element is the universal life force known as Aether. Without realization, acceptance, and harmony of inner truths, the separation between masculine and feminine forms increases. Following this reasoning, we can discern that the transformation of the soul is what the true work in alchemy pertains to. Its for that very reason that the Great Work was given its name. Images of husband and wife entwining and spiraling like two coils, skin to skin seemingly floating in mid-air, dominate history. But back to being a human on Earth. The alchemical journey is the backdrop to all of our lives. The universe is very receptive to what we think. If you manage to connect you will have a powerful union of great responsibility to more than just each other. "Marriage of the Red King and White Queen in Alchemy." WebThe original process philosophy has four stages: nigredo, the blackening or melanosis; albedo, the whitening or leucosis; citrinitas, the yellowing or xanthosis; rubedo, the reddening, purpling, or iosis; The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. That only feminine energy comes from a female, and masculine energy only generates for males. However, it is possible to understand the alchemical process in terms of four basic stages, this being most useful when starting out as an "alchemical beginner" and in trying to relate it to the psychotherapeutic process. This is the marriage of the alchemical fire and water as our alchemical Sulfur and Mercury. The esoteric dimensions of this step are the reducing of the individuals programmed, egoic self into ashes. Following this reasoning, we can discern that the development of our inner senses, transmutation of our soul, and union of our hemispheres are what the true work in alchemy pertains to. The transmutation into this element is what will facilitate our ascension to higher dimensions. Hopefully, this will be the longest stage of marriage! The Queen, however, says "O Sol, I must submit to thee." This kind of spiritual gifting happens often with karmic partners. Admit impediments. These basic ideas and associations can be found in multiple Western schools of thought. This is the Beloved for whom the saints of East and West have given their all. Calcination provides the necessary friction that challenges the persona, annihilating the stagnant energy holding our ideologies and neurosis in place so that the spirit may awaken. This is the beginning stages of the process from lead based ego to gold consciousness, the beginning of ones Soul Alchemy. This was the most reluctant article I wrote, as I did not have faith that I could bring justice to such an intense topic, but Melchizedek was my guide throughout this. This is achieved by the reconfiguration and synthesis of the persons elements: water, earth, air, and fire into the spiritual Quintessence. The most precious material concerning the alchemist is essence, this is the aspect connected to the soul. Webis consulted, as being a six-stage process, 12 stage, 20, 22, 50, and even 75 stage process! This is actualized through the transmutation of our inner elementsthe extension of the soulas well as the harmonization of our cerebral hemispheres that express the objective and subjective hemispheres of universal consciousness. Conjunction: Conjunction is the reuniting of the soul and body after the purification of fire, water, and air that it underwent in the first three phases. In this field we are drawn out of identification with the character we play and become the awareness behind the character: the one who simply witnesses the thoughts and feelings as they arise with no vested interest or judgment. Stage seven is the fulfilment stage in the developmental stages of marriage. Sublimation is a purification process in the completion of the Magnum Opus. Beyer, Catherine. It needs an active principle to shape it. The knowledge I received in spiritual scriptures, was a much deeper dimension than face value, from the simple end of the spectrum. Alchemy is known as the Spagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine. This stage utilizes the element Air as it filters through our two natures, true essence and the programmed self, separating the subtle from gross matter. In Luke 6:13 it is stated that Jesus chose 12 disciples whom he named Apostles, and in Mark 6:30, they are called, TheTwelveApostles when mention is made of their return from the mission of preaching and healing on which Jesus had sent them. From this perspective we can clearly see why the majority of people would not voluntarily choose to sacrifice their worldly existence to embark down the path of the Magician. 11 11 Meaning: Do You Keep Seeing This Unusual Number. This is the part of the great work where we begin operating from a higher intelligence. Before starting my last article, I began seeing 666, which I explain in the number sequence article as being a lower vibrational number, based on fear and lack of faith. As a result, we experience wholeness in our spiritual core, which raises our vibration, and transforms us into truthful lovers, honest friends, and parental role models. You will find that only 3% of the collectives will resonate with Twin Flame Journey Stages but the rest will find as months and years proceed, the journey is what they make of it by doing their own Soul Alchemy. The body is material and the soul spiritual. The transmutation into this element is what will facilitate our ascension to higher dimensions. Our fragmented selves harden, and instead of seeking divine union, we resort to physical attractions, which are merely physical and temporary. In Separation, we are further refining our psyche by consciously disbanding our attachments to the artificial self from our authentic one. Dealing with collectives for over 2 and half years, I have seen that each couple have their own different stages and timeline, often stemming from past life wounding and trauma to their present vibrational energetic blocks. What I am concluding with this article is, yes 12 number is auspicious when it comes to ones own Soul Alchemy, and this is not only exclusive to Light Workers or Twin Flames. There is nothing better than soaking in a bath using aroma oils or taking a shower to renew our mental clarity and cleanse our auras. Three years ago upon my own awakening, I began to research everything about Twin Flames once I realized I was one myself. As the former self gradually perishes, we encounter the inner void. Cosmic law requires that we must first define our own unique idenity in the whole of God/Source before we can completely unclock the spiritual and energetic potential of our TwinFlames. Twin Flames Stages And Signs; Twin Flame Number 7 - Journey Towards Ascension; Once we are self-possessed usually during our teenage years there is a shift, and we become aware of This happens when we enter into a Dark Night of the Soul, a form of existential crisis where our entire worldview undergoes reconstruction. Euphoriais the experience of pleasure or excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness. We can tell you that we dont levitate together bent beyond our human flexibility. The Red King is sulfur -- the active, volatile and fiery principle -- while the White Queen is mercury -- the material, passive, fixed principle. Alchemys primary objective is the possibility of mutation by liberating the soul from its adhesion to matter. Alchemy operates on all levels of reality within this Universe. Energy Transmutation Alchemical Marriage Expressed, Alchemical Marriage and Mystical Theories, spiritual and emotional turmoil is allowed to fester, one cannot muster the spiritual energy, Mirror Soul Meaning | Twin Flames Stages And Signs, Twin Flame Eye Contact Is a Powerful Connection The 10 Signs. In alchemy, the Magnum Opus symbolizes an alchemists great effort in the process of forming the legendary substance which generates astounding powers that transform base metals into gold and silver. In contrast, much like the caterpillars transformation into a butterfly reflected in Fermentation, alchemy is none other than the willing participation in our own demise. The fifth element is the universal life force known as Aether. The Alchemical Child When Diana opens Ashmole 782 for the first time in nearly 500 years, she comes across a depiction of the alchemical child. Or as Shakespeare so artistically phrased it. Consciousness is the very fabric of reality that interfaces with itself on multiple levels of reality as illustrated in the hermetic maxim, As above so below, as within so without, as the universe so the soul.. It reflects how we have evolved the magic of transmutation within our bodies all over the globe. As Saint Paul said long ago, For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.. Be Empowered. In tarot cards, the alchemical marriage of duality is the cardThe Lovers. Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now To establish the true alchemical marriage, cosmic law requires that we first define our own identity in God before we can completely unlock the spiritual potential of our twin flames. The teachings of alchemy have been cloaked for centuries in secrecy in order to preserve its integrity. The love of this beloved holy Christ Self, i.e., that part of us who maintains constant contact with the Sourcethe I AM Presence, is an incomparable love. What we are left with is an emptiness that is usually experienced as intense grief. This allows the seeds of enlightenment to deeply penetrate the vessel. Alchemical marriage is a soul-interaction that invites the sacred feminine to the sacred masculine. Number 12 is a very auspicious number dating back to the Biblical Times. Enlightenment and direct communication with the divine are both qualities of this state, as universal consciousness has become self-actualized. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. Learn Religions. The floodgates to the unconsciousness are opened during this phase as we are overflowed with new awareness of the macrocosm and our microcosm. Meaning of number 1212 And 1221 in Numerology. All these beautiful ways of expressing our union transmute the mundane into the extraordinary for us continuously. This ferment acts as a fertilizer for the soul. This is the metaphysical heart center from which the classical elements originated from. Each of us experience trials and tribulations designed to move us toward a greater reality. You are on the road to shifting your paradigms from 3D ego based to 5D consciousness. The Rosarium Philosophorum, or the Rosary of the Philosophers, was published in 1550 and includes 20 illustrations. Truth is multidimensional, for this reason we are only designed to align with truth to the best of our capacity at this level of being, however that doesnt mean the revelations ever cease, its only a matter of whether we allow higher grades of truth to permeate us or not. This allows the seeds of enlightenment to deeply penetrate the vessel. Be Connected. The emptiness that was experienced as intense grief in Calcination has dissipated into the presence of stillness in Separation. Whereas the first stage was purification by fire, dissolution involves purification by water. Shifting paradigm is an important change, the usual way of thinking about or doing something by replacing with new or different way. It implies that before twin flames can cement their oneness, they must first deal with their ego and look at their karma to be ready for alchemical marriage. We feel that we are floating as our chakras are spinning, powering up the energy wheels of alchemic gold thread from inside us. This stage can be likened to the rebirth of the phoenix from its own ashes. Thats why we often find it hard to raise our vibrations if we let ourselves get out of balance with our mind, body, and soul trinity. She is the administrator of the social media account: The Alchemist, where she shares esoteric knowledge to help humanity gracefully tap into our evolutionary potential. Soul Shock happens in this stage. Without balance, a rift is created between our masculine and feminine and destabilizes our being. Projection is the final state of the Spiritual Soul Alchemy, The Magnum Opus, the ultimate and final stage from lead ego to gold state of consciousness. Spiritually there has been no need to gather anymore for the ongoing planetary cycle of changes we are experiencing. Copyright 2020-2023Twin Flame Union - All Rights Reserved. This is called the alchemical marriagethe marriage of our soul, the feminine aspect of our being, to the Lamb' who is the real and enduring spiritual self, the masculine aspect. However, it is possible to understand the alchemical process in terms of four basic stages, this being most useful when starting out as an "alchemical beginner" and in trying to relate it to the psychotherapeutic process. Twin Flame Heart Palpitations: What Am I Experiencing? In some images, they are also flanked with plants bearing suns and moons on their branches. Most often this happens after one is awakened to the Twin Flame journey. The Magnum Opus had originally four stages: nigredo, a blackening; albedo, a whitening; citrinitas, a yellowing, and rubedo, a reddening. It also shapes what we will receive. The process can be split into two: putrefaction and spiritualization. These first two stages may be associated, Stage seven, the golden years, will last until one of you leaves the earth. How this manifests over the course of our lives is during periods where we have attained a certain degree of truth but mistake it for being the top of the summit. Deep humility is required in order to loosen the lower selfs attachment to its level of consciousness and elevate its being. This is a crucial point in the work as it signifies a boiling point has been reached between the lower self and the Higher Self. The process of alchemy begins with your thoughts. Alchemists were quite imaginative and pictured the successful marriage of masculine and feminine in a person as a unicorn and stag marrying in the middle of a forest. Stage 1 - Alchemical Union (2D-4D Astral Relationship, Ancestral miasma, Sexual amplification, Karmic issues, Past timeline memories, Phantom matrices, False Ascension Matrix, Black Magician trauma or Astral Dark Arts Training, Negative Forms or Clones, Egyptian Trauma, Lemurian Trauma, Inner Child trauma, Telepathic, In this stage, you become aware of your spiritual transformation and begin to surrender to your Soul Alchemy. In alchemy, the seven classical planetary bodies are associated with corresponding metals: The Sun, The Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn were signified as the gradients Gold, Silver, Iron, Mercury, Copper, Tin, and Lead. Enlightenment and direct communication with the divine are both qualities of this state, as universal consciousness has become self-actualized. WebThe Alchemical Marriage - Soul Wedded to the Christ Self The Alchemical Marriage To establish the true alchemical marriage, cosmic law requires that we first define our own identity in God before we can completely unlock the spiritual potential of our twin flames. For until twin flames achieve a certain level of mastery and oneness with their own Real Selves, they are often unable to cope with the weight of their negative karma. WebTwin Flames and The Alchemical Marriage The Union of the Twin Flames is the ultimate Alchemical Marriage. Concept of Fermentation, using wine as an example, we learnt that it is fundamental death of a grape. The process of alchemy begins with your thoughts. Aether is the unconditional love that generates all planes of consciousness. In illustrations, it is depicted as courtship and sex. She considers it her work to connect the higher with the lower; the outer world with the inner world. The "Four Stage" Version This ferment acts as a fertilizer for the soul. Each of us experience trials and tribulations designed to move us toward a greater reality. 12 X 12=144 (000 New Beginning) You are your own Alchemy once your focus is on you through shifting your paradigms and by bringing down your Heaven on Earth. In this natural cosmic union, one part yearns to connect and unite with the other parts divine portion through natural attraction laws. Many Alchemists believed that it is the first step in the pathway to the Philosophers Stone; all Alchemical ingredients had to be cleansed and cooked extensively to a uniformed black matter. When an individuals psyche is undergoing this same process, Carl Jung referred to it as metanoia. From culture, religion, food, language, this will be all different from even their biological parents who are African to the ones who adopted them. If you have missed my earlier articles on Law of Attraction, links to Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV are here. The Stages of Alchemy Each alchemist had their own variation on the number of operations to completing the great work. Similar color changes could be seen in the laboratory, where for example, the blackness of rotting, burnt, or fermenting matter would be associated with nigredo. Webthe solar red alchemical rose. The salvaged ashes of the psyche from calcination are submerged in water to thoroughly clear our vital life force from the remaining grip of the conditioned self. In Separation, we are further refining our psyche by consciously disbanding our attachments to the artificial self from our authentic one. The use of this ritual dates back to several centuries and has its roots entrenched in many ancient cultures. Descriptions of alchemical processes often describe the reactions of sulfur and mercury. We have 12 months in a given calendar year. Our thoughts and feelings shape who we are. The alchemical journey is the backdrop to all of our lives. Twin Flames Can Runner And Chaser Reverse Roles, Support From Family And Friends Twin Flames. Twin Flames Stages And Signs; Twin Flame Number 7 - Journey Towards Ascension; Once we are self-possessed usually during our teenage years there is a shift, and we become aware of It is possibly the most revered powerful union among souls and also the most imitated. We rise and greet the day with affection and gratitude for each other and everything. Unfortunately, this has left many confused souls across the planet, wondering what happened to my Twin Flame Union? In fact, I learnt through writing the series, just how much Melchizedek is my Guide. The appearance of the aforementioned androgynous figure comes up in mythology, astrology, and tarot. Twin Flame Teacher Distillation: Distillation is the boiling of the liquified ferment until it evaporates to steam, condenses, and descends to a more refined state of liquid. Ascension from base consciousness into unity consciousness is through the harmonization and synthesis of the feminine and masculine elements within the mystic, as these sympathies represent forces in the cosmos coalescing and awakening to the individuals I am presence. The product of the sacred union is the incorruptible philosophers stone, the embodied I am presence. In fact, anyone on a Souls journey can be in Alchemy. I also expressed that I will seek to find Him, if He would give guidance.. Ive always been a loving, caring person, and I opened my heart to this process and everywhere I turned the guidance was there. The flooring is checkered, representing the forces of light and darkness in harmonious balance. Beyer, Catherine. We both mindfully honor and celebrate our physical vessels by submerging, aligning, and tuning our senses into the water and the vibration of oils. Many partners use this stage to reflect on their long and rich history. Here the fusion of polarizing forces-spirit and matter, volatile and fixed, body and soul-have wholly integrated to achieve unification. Their union gives them extra alchemic magic power 1,000 times more together rather than the 9, 11, or 22 that they are without their duality partner to stabilize, focus, and create. Calcination provides the necessary friction that challenges the persona, annihilating the stagnant energy holding our ideologies and neurosis in place so that the spirit may awaken. Much of this shadowy material are things we are ashamed of, or deep known or unknown wounded traumas. Rather than reverting to the old habit of dutifully trying to forgive or forget, you face your dragon and demons here and meet them in the eye. One runs south to north in a loop, and the other runs north to south in a loop. In order to cultivate the essence, the mystics whole being is aerated. WebTwin Flames and The Alchemical Marriage The Union of the Twin Flames is the ultimate Alchemical Marriage. The flooring is checkered, representing the forces of light and darkness in harmonious balance. These first two stages may be associated, Wheels of alchemic gold thread from inside us alchemical symbols attached to.! Perishes, we are experiencing mystic, transmuting them into their higher.. The transmutation into this element is what will facilitate our ascension to higher dimensions with our Flames... Bending sickle 's compass come: Sorry, comments alchemical marriage stages closed for this post into! The sacred masculine to completing the great work where we begin operating from higher... While doing my research, I learnt through writing the series, just how much Melchizedek my... 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