Due to Tokuras previous position and his lobbying efforts on behalf of JASRAC, his appointment sparked concerns about his ability to balance protecting the rights of artists and creators while also ensuring the freedom of individuals who use copyrighted works.8. Mori resigned a week after the petition was created (see B8). 1850 M St. NW Floor 11 They include televisions Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement Organization and the Internet Content Safety Association, which manages the blocking of child sexual abuse images online.2 and the online organization of large demonstrations and protests against nuclear energy. In June 2020, the Tokyo High Court reversed a Tokyo District Court ruling that Twitter remove posts which detailed the plaintiffs arrest records.14, Courts have also ordered content to be removed in defamation cases, although there were no such rulings during the coverage period. #censorship. Sagamihara City is also planning to enact a criminal ordinance that would target hate speech against members of specific ethnic or racial groups in 2021.18 The IHCs website offers online forms for reporting objectionable content, such as material that features obscene images, child sexual abuse images, illegal drugs, or prostitution, as well as a referencing system that allows users to look up the status of submitted reports. In June 2018, the government convened a panel to review potential legislation targeting websites that host pirated content. Under the criminal procedure code, however, investigators can order a person to decrypt an encrypted electronic record.2, Increased concerns over harassment, intimidation, and slander during the previous coverage period led members of the ruling LDP to meet with experts to discuss the possibility of deanonymizing the accounts of those who engage in such behavior online. Reasons vary from keeping inappropriate material out of reach to trying to stop protests and other public demonstrations from being organized. Some companies cooperate with investigative authorities by turning over their users' data without receiving a court order. The amendments expanded the scope of personal data and eliminated restrictions on the laws extraterritorial applications. Such posts have attacked critics of the LDP government and have at times initiated negative campaigns against opposition lawmakers.1 Those who violate the revised law face up to two years imprisonment, a 2 million ($18,138) fine, or both. No ordinance was proposed or passed at the end of the coverage period. In June 2020, the Tokyo High Court reversed a lower court ruling that Twitter must remove posts which detailed the plaintiffs arrest records (see B3). Government statistics show that the average cost of internet access for households with two or more people across Japan in 2020 was 3,601 ($34.59) compared with 3,753 ($36.05) in 2017.2 Individuals and public figures who break this social convention risk censure and even attacks from right-wing extremists, who notoriously attempted to assassinate the mayor of Nagasaki on these grounds in 1990. The book also examines the conflict between the obscenity law, introduced in Meiji times when Japan was importing Western models, and the freedom of speech law, which was put in place by the US occupation administration after World War II. Glad to see Japanese publishers standing up to Western companies. Edit: is it true CERO does not need to look at PC games? However, a revised and newly enacted anti-piracy law criminalizes illegally downloading manga, magazines, and academic texts, but did not expand the governments ability to block websites (see C2).3. Four of its women characters, Jean, Amber, Mona and Rosaria, would be getting new "alternate . The Agency for Cultural Affairs has jurisdiction over copyright law and provides guidance and supervision to copyright management organizations, including JASRAC. politicians who violate the existing restrictions face a potential fine of 300,000 ($2,720) or one year in prison; imprisonment would strip perpetrators of their right to vote or run for office. Censorship of pornography in Japan, be it animated, photographed or filmed, has always been superficial, focusing on blocking out or blurring the sex organs. the change was expected to allow tourists who were supposed to visit Japan during the 2020 Summer Olympics to more easily access mobile services.10. 482-FZ on Amendments to the Federal Law on Enforcement Actions Regarding Persons Involved in Violations of Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms and the Rights and Freedoms of the Russian Federation Citizens. Analysis of about half a million sample tweets posted before and after Japan's 2014 general election revealed that most posts were near-duplicates or retweets of those posted by bots, including many that disseminated nationalist or progovernment messages.3 Heightened awareness of nonconsensual sharing of intimate images and online harassment culminated in the adoption of a law criminalizing such activity in 2014. The National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGHM) announced that it was the target of about 5.3 million ransomware attacks in 2020, compared to 1.2 million incidents in 2019, though they reported that sensitive research and personal information was not compromised during these attacks.12. However, harassment and intimidation, particularly against women and individuals with at least one Black parent, persist. In April 2021, CrowdStrike, a US cybersecurity company, stated that the risk of cyberattacks at the event was low because of the restrictions on audience.3. Despite promises that the program will not target phones and personal computers, critics have expressed privacy concerns (see C5). : spring pictures) that are banned in present-day Japan and were printed and published in the USA. Observers argue that the industry has generally improved since the MIC was established in 2001, which resulted from the merger of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, and the governments Management and Coordination Agency.1, Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) supported by the relevant companies in these three sectors perform a self-regulatory function. 22/2021, which came into force in February 2021, simplifies the licensing and certain other procedures required . 2 In one significant instance, government officials and the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) withheld data about pollution after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Major mobile service providers require customers to present identification documents in order to subscribe. Does the online information landscape lack diversity and reliability? The book concludes by assessing the current state of censorship in Japan and likely future developments. Under the amended law, an individual can request the court to disclose information about a sender who posted defamatory content. Messaging apps, such as WhatsApp and Viber, are often. Service providers and other technology companies can be required to aid the government in monitoring the communications of their users. Anonymization provisions allow for personal data to be transferred to a third party without the consent of the subject if specific requirements are met.6 In 2002, industry associations produced guidelines designed to protect ISPs from legal liability within the jurisdiction of the Japanese courts. A number of laws regulate online activity, including by imposing civil and criminal liability. Does the state block or filter, or compel service providers to block or filter, internet content, particularly material that is protected by international human rights standards? Japan tends to censor some stuff like decapitations and gore. Authorities typically do not order service providers to block or filter content in Japan. The NTT group remains dominant in practice, though hundreds of other providers offer services including fiber-optic connections and fixed-line or wireless broadband access.1 Experts are concerned that the new policies to streamline data handling between the local and central governments will dilute personal information protections previously established by local governments and may enable increased government surveillance.11 Japanese man arrested for stealing women's shoes and replacing them with new ones; Japanese office disaster: man pees in drink bottle of woman coworker because "he liked her" Japanese Twitter reacts to Logan Paul's "Japanese Suicide Forest" video; Man travels 100 kilometers in middle of the night in Japan to punch another dude in . Law enforcement requests for this data should be supported by a warrant.4 In March 2020, Japanese central bank Sumitomo Mitsui abolished the official dress code,5 Donald Trump's claim that his anti-BDS order "targets antisemitism" was presented as fact in the New York Times headline ( 12/10/19 . Mosaic destruction. I don't know a whole lot about japanese censorship stuff, I know Sony itself likes to censor though. Every country has, at one time or another, been guilty of grievous acts of censorship. 2, A 2003 law protects personal information collected electronically by private and public-sector organizations when it consists of more than 5,000 records.3 Service providers protect themselves from civil liability by adhering to voluntary guidelines on takedown requests.8 In June 2019, the movements organizer, actress and freelance writer Ishikawa Yumi, submitted an online petition, which then bore almost 20,000 signatures, to the Health Ministry calling for an end to the requirement.4 In May 2020, many celebrities voiced their opposition to a draft bill that would allow the government to delay the retirement of senior prosecutors, arguing that the bill undermined the constitutional separation of powers.3 The assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has shocked Japan, a country with one of the world's lowest rates of gun crime due to its strict laws on gun ownership. In February of that year, the Cabinet Office reportedly sent a letter demanding that the reporter be restricted from asking questions at press events. YouTubers and Instagram personalities have also become increasingly influential in recent years. A week after the petition launched, it was revealed that Mori would resign as the head of the Olympic Organizing Committee.3, Women in Japan have also mobilized online through the #KuToo movement, which opposes a requirement that women wear high heels in the workplace. This year, China's National Film Board tightened regulations on foreign films requiring that they now undergo a second round of reviews by the Chinese Communist Party. With seemingly no judicial oversight and potential access to millions of users personal devices, NOTICE has raised serious privacy concerns. Overseen by government officials rather than an independent body, it offers no protection for whistleblowers who reveal wrongdoing.3. The origin of the term "censor" is traced to the office of censor created in ancient Rome, around 443 BC. The city has considered measures to deal with online hate speech, but did not implement a specific ordinance to address this activity. While cyberattacks against journalists and activists are rare, private companies have been targeted in previous coverage periods. Chinese groups BlackTech and Tick were reportedly behind the breaches.7 The court stated that removal of information can be demanded only when privacy protection concerns clearly outweigh the publics interest in the disclosure of information online.12 In a survey by the Japan Medical Association, there were 700 incidents between October and December 2020 where medical staff treating COVID-19 patients were subject to online harassment.1 In November 2020, Capcom, a prominent video game company, reported that it paid a 1.1 billion ($9.9 million) ransom in exchange for the recovery of stolen materials.11 In May 2021, the NICT released a summary of NOTICE-related activities, disclosing that it attempted to access 112 million IP addresses, and that the NOTICE alert detected 1,817 targets and notified service providers.6, The conspiracy law passed in 2017 raised the possibility of more government surveillance. The law gives a range of officials the discretion to indefinitely restrict public information pertaining to national security.2 According to a summary by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), since 2014, there have been fewer severe outages - specifically three to eight per year- compared to the previous decade.8 In 2016, Makoto Sakurai, a personality known for anti-Korean rhetoric, opened a channel on online television station AbemaTV; a rush of online criticism followed, and the channel was deleted.4, Social media platforms occasionally restrict content at the governments request. However, most online media remain small and community based.1 The China . The 2014 state secrets law, which covers national security issues, may make surveillance abuses harder to document (see C1 and C2). Internet freedom continued to improve in Japan during this reporting period. Although that years guidelines from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) garnered criticism, they helped address concerns that the cost of switching providers favored dominant players and created a barrier for new market entrants.8 In 2021, Japan faces some of the biggest social, political, and economic changes of a lifetime. Authorities have used the law to convict the operators of manga piracy site Mangamura (see C2 and C3). For this article, we consider these bodies to be government entities. Does the government place restrictions on anonymous communication or encryption? Are online sources of information controlled or manipulated by the government or other powerful actors to advance a particular political interest? In April 2019, the Macnica Networks Corporation, an information-technology trading firm, stated that groups reportedly connected to China were suspected of targeting private companies; it cited alleged efforts by Chinese cyberespionage group APT10 to hack Japanese defense companies in 2018.6, In January 2020, the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation disclosed that that it experienced massive cyberattacks in June 2019. Germany, which has. This code sets the age of consent for sexual activity at 13 for girls and 14 for boys, and it has remained unchanged since then. In 2016, the law was expanded to include fraud, theft, and child sexual abuse images.9 No third party can do so. The J-NSC remained active during the coverage period.2. Critics say the law does not prevent the systematic storage of intercepted communications or protect innocent parties.10 Japanese courts continue to uphold strict criteria for delisting search results on major platforms. (Kotaku also says that Japanese porn is painstakingly censored by hand, earning the highly skilled laborers $15 per hour.) But in the eyes of . In Japan it is now against the law to be mean on the internet. Japan has three major mobile operatorsau, a KDDI brand; NTT Docomo; and SoftBank. There is also a degree of self-censorship concerning human rights problems, in some cases linked to instances of apparent political pressure.2, Progovernment online commentators are prevalent across Japan. These rights are generally upheld in practice, though some social and legal constraints exist, and several laws have negative implications for free speech. The future of an independent NHK is crucial given the increasing demand for impartial, objective and trusted sources of information. Following the governments effort to block manga piracy sites in early 2018, observers expressed concern that the move conflicted with the Telecommunications Business Act and the constitutional ban on censorship.2 although the program continued. The court indicated that points such as the content of the search results, the scope of disclosure, the social status of the persons involved, the social situation, and the necessity of disclosing facts were critical in deciding whether search engine results should be removed.13 Look at western porn, the most fucked up shit that they make is incest and adults that looks like teens, in the other hand Japanese porn has the most fucked ul shit that you can ever see in porn, from rape to gruesome torture and pedophilia, just to show how the dumbness of governments is unlimited. You will go to prison. In the future, says one pundit, that will change. An online petition that received 145,000 signatures called for the resignation of the chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Yoshiro Mori, after he made sexist comments. Some tabloid newspapers and online news outlets have reportedly harassed journalists who disagreed with the government more broadly.4, Women also continue to face targeted online harassment. Washington, DC 20036, Scores are based on a scale of 0 (least free) to 100 (most free). Internet caf users are required to produce formal identification documents such as a drivers license, and to register their name and address. Do restrictions on the internet and digital content lack transparency, proportionality to the stated aims, or an independent appeals process? A new player, e-commerce company Rakuten, which seeks to become Japans fourth major mobile service provider, launched its mobile service in April 2020.2. Japan is a multiparty parliamentary democracy. Today, however, this concept is, in our view, distorted and fought against. Media scrutiny of reportage involving the 2011 disaster has continued. No third party can do so. In February 2021, protests erupted against then chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Yoshiro Mori, after he said "board meetings involving many women are lengthy and that women on the organizing committee all [knew] their place. Protestors, particularly women, used the hashtags #WomenWhoRefuseToKnowTheirPlace and #DontBeSilent in a show of solidarity and in defiance of sexism. With the space for such advocacy under threat in many . COVID-19 patients and individuals who allegedly tested positive for the virus also faced harassment on social media.2. I know they sold 2 different versions of RE games at least, a more censored version and a less censored version for adults. Rakuten, in an effort to gain a competitive edge, launched cheaper plans in April 2021 compared to those offered by the other three mobile service providers. Customers in small cities, towns, and villages paid an average monthly price of nearly 3,024 ($29.04). In addition, individuals who knowingly receive secrets from an administrative organ risk up to five years imprisonment if the disclosures are found to be intentional, and one year for disclosures made through negligence.1 While these provisions were contested, and revisions are still planned,9 Taniwaki, who had been instrumental in the governments policies on mobile phone prices, was quickly transferred to another position.7, In March 2021, the Cabinet approved Shunichi Tokura, the former chairman of the Japan Music Rights Association (JASRAC), as Commissioner for Cultural Affairs. Some companies report on data requests they receive from government agencies. In May 2019, it was revealed that the national government and Fukushima Prefecture paid over 24 billion ($217 million) to an advertising agency to manage public relations, including in online outlets, after the disaster.6. It criminalized planning to commit a series of newly designated serious crimes that could supposedly fund terrorism, including copyright violations, potentially making more suspects subject to wiretaps. Be required to aid the government place restrictions on the laws extraterritorial applications )! Supervision to copyright management organizations, including by imposing civil and criminal liability stuff like decapitations and gore activity. That are banned in present-day Japan and were printed and published in the future, says pundit! Piracy site Mangamura ( see C5 ) present identification documents in order to subscribe court to disclose information a. 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