Hi Laney, Both locations are fine, and how you want to place it is totally up to you. Hi Derrek, Yes, I dont see a problem with that assuming youve understood the concept behind mirrors in this article. 2. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us! Last Updated: October 5, 2022. The answer is yes. For example: you dont want to use black color for your bedroom if you are scared of the dark. I love it there for design purposes and use for checking appearance. Usually we close our main door. However, if it is an evil spirit, then, you will be haunted by the ghost. Create a positive life from now on and instead of talking about all the bad things that have happened start speaking on positive. The unit on the very right side highlighted (front door is not visible, it is perpendicular to the street next to my neighbors door, up the stairs), my driveway and garage are in the right side. Thank you so much. Further, most layman cant really see the difference. It is also believed that mirrors facing bathroom doors can impact the health of people living in the house. Heres one I found on Aliexpress.com: Aside from different Bagua, theres also concave, convex, and flat mirrors. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I have mirroed closet doors in my bedroom that when closed face the window. Elevator is belong to Yin in Feng Shui, and will send a steady . I want to confirm that place the convex outside by the front door, will be accurate, facing North. Thanks. Anyway have you ever heard of something like silver flakes or glitter rainning down in a room? I dont know why Im telling you all my messed up stuff when I just want to know what your thoughts are about the silver rain (thats what I call it) and the dead dropping in to tell me goodbye. Restrooms and bathrooms are said to produce negative Qibecause thats where we rid ourselves of our wastes. Is thIs true not to hang mirror on south wall? what can I do if this is not good? Yes and yes. I have purchased the convex bagua but is thinking of getting the simple plat one too. Theres nothing wrong with having a mirror at the foyer or close to the front door. What is that a sign of? The two Baguas are the Early Heaven Sequence and the Later Heaven Sequence. These Forms can include an electric pole, pipes, electric wires, and others. . The flat mirror is said to be most neutral and popular. Very good article!!! These factors should be considered before sleeping in front of a mirror. Hi Victor, I just discovered your site and love all the info. Getting your quick fix of reassurance from a partner is easier than facing the root cause of why you need reassurance in the first place.2022. Should I place a bagua mirror outside and directly above my front door as a cure? I do not have solid mirro.. posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 01:10 PM . Height Matters for Placement of Mirror as per Vastu. Also, youre awesome! Remove only if you feel uncomfortable or grew tired of it. Is there any other remedy to minimize the negative effect? Moreover, many people also place a mirror facing the bed because it makes the bedroom appear larger. However,this is NOT recommended ifthere are anysort of bad Forms outside the window because the mirror can bring those negative energies inside as well. Therefore, sleeping with them will give them access to spirits from other worlds. -Victor. Is it better to move it on the staircase (half way on the staircase there is wall , i can hang on that)? If there are any areas in the home where the energy gets trapped or doesn't flow properly, a carefully placed . Bagua Mirror is widely used in Feng Shui, because it can block, eliminate, absorb and fight against evil spirits. hi victor, im planning to install a large mirror in the dining area but it will be facing my bedroom door and also sliding window in the middle room.. is that ok? At the end of the day, it all depends on your preferences and beliefs. She and I do not get along, she is unfriendly.Management does not even want things placed on the walls so maybe I should talk to them first.. unless of course they happen to like that mirror.. You would be surprised at people who think FS is for the birds !.. -Victor. Some people say they cause headaches. Above the door might not be an ideal place to hand your clock, but it will ensure that the clock is not facing the door. You will also learn some rules and tips about Feng Shui Bagua mirrors and know the best and worst places to place mirrors and reasons why. However, it is not good Feng Shui to have mirror facing the bed. The mirrors are not facing each other. Is this ok? However, almost all experts agree that having a mirror facing the front door is just bad Feng Shui, and their reasons vary. -Victor. Kindly please advice me which is better. Hi Jan, Both arrangements are fine. There are a number of Feng Shui masters out there that claim flat mirrors can protect you by deflecting bad energy away and invites positive energy. Does that change the rules for living room mirrors? Comment please. I believe that first thing one should do is to be aware and NOT go against their gut-feeling. I had a problem with neighbors looking in and sending ill will in one of my windows so I placed a mirror in the window to deter them. will it, as they say, bring about circumstances and energies that are out of my field of vision and understanding? There are theories that mirrors break up your "dream body" in a bedroom. I need the mirror near my front door also for last minute checking, primping etc. You will begin to feel several thoughts running across your mind. Thank you! Is it good or bad to have a mirror facing your bed? Hello! i like it because its big. Is this okay or should I move the mirror on the other wall so it cant be seen from the front door? Who gets the luck or bad luck from the mirrors in an empty house? 2.) The mirror facing my bedroom door is grounded by a small, handcrafted console my Mother made for me and on it are a pair of candles and symbols of unity, as it is located in the relationship sector of my bedroom. When the mirrors are installed correctly, a player who wants to summon a ghost will put his/her left palm on the mirror facing southwest so that he/she is facing northeast. asking if its ok to hang the mirror facing the kitchen sink and refrigator . Youll be constantlyreminded of work, which can definitely bring a great deal of stress to you. Which arrangement is better? A mirror facing the bedroom door, or any door, risks deflecting the positive flow of chi right back out of the room. Thanks for the compliment and Im glad you like this site! 2. 9. This might have mental effects in the long run. Ive been wondering about this situation for a while and trying not to give it too much thought, however, I live in a rented semi-detached bungalow, orientated south, with the main door on the side of the propery ie facing north. -Victor. This is because "the mirror doubles and bounces all sorts of energy. Also I have two beautiful oil painting in my bedroom with garden of flowers and open gates, no people. If mirrors can double the energy of an area, then a mirror in the kitchen will amplify the negative energies brought by the kitchen. The mirror was not facing directly to stove, indeed faced directly to dinning table. Or is the big dinner a few times a year enough? What can I do in my situation.. -Victor, Hi Victor! Can the negative effects of this be neutralised by hanging a curtain in front of these? -Victor. Im not sure what kind of altar you have. There is a difference between the two. This is another superstition of two mirrors facing each other. If this happens, you will invite the spirit. -Victor. This is where it gets weird! -Victor, My front door directly faces a staircase of my 3 story house. My father passed away when I was 5 yrs old. If mirrors are placed opposite the locker of your house, this can double wealth. -Victor. This is not good for the household and it is not good for you too. Hi Victor, I just love your article. It would not be facing the stove or windows. This is the only place large enough to do it when not practicing @ the beach. Is this okay? Therefore, a mirror reflecting the front door pushes away energy, rather than welcomes qi into the home. Hopefully you wont catch her doing some sort of satanic ritual! However, most Bagua mirror manufacturers dont pay attention to this. I am renting a small apartment; I have rather large kitchen that flows directly to my living room. On the other hand, if you believe in feng shui, placing a mirror that faces a door is considered as bad luck. I already try to keep the door closed at all times. The shaman, who is a human being and at the same time is possessed by spirits - in other words will for a time be a spirit - Since ancient times, any shiny surface has been regarded as a spirit doorway and can be used deliberately to summon spirits . Therefore, whatever you place in your room spiritually connects with your mind. I have a mirror facing my bedroom door, as well one facing my bathroom door. No worries about the family picture. You can download a sample Bazi report here if youre interested to know more about it: https://fengshuinexus.com/bazi-reading-consultation-service/ Hope this helps! -Victor. 7 Signs, What does Seeing Repeating Numbers Mean? Hi Eduardo, Thats not always the case. Exposing yourself to too much light at the night will trigger a sense of restlessness, which will lead to nightmares while sleeping. We have mirror and its facing the back door. Its very valuable. Is this ok ? (To Feng Shui Masters that are reading this, correct me if Im wrong by commenting below.). A mirror facing the sliding door isn't bad. Hi Grace, Yes, glass block tiles are totally fine. Hi Young, Without a proper look, Id say you dont need to worry too much about this. Appreciate your help. My mother in law would like to move closer to my family. I have never been afraid when this happened. So, if youve ever wondered if it is ever OK to have a mirror facing a door in feng shui, youve come to the right place! Sorry, I have a follow-up question. Have you ever wondered if sleeping in front of a mirror will bring bad luck or good luck? Why not place a painting instead or a living room chair for back pain? When I enter my door i face south, past a closet on my right there is a little alcove and my bathroom. Thanks, Hi Emma, The mirror placement is good. Mirror wont face the front door but it will face the door leading to the small hallway. Would a mirror on the bathroom door facing the kitchen be a good or bad thing? Traditionally, there are two different types of Bagua with three different types of mirrors. Mirror Facing Stove Creates Yin Yang Imbalance, 5. I have a little concern about my dining table because it is almost under the stairs and directly facing the main door.What could you recommend that i need to put like decorations or something to counteract the effects it does bring to us because as of now, we dont have enough space to move the dining table to another place or part of the house. Hope this helps! I dont know if Im that special or not but I do feel like there is something very special Im suppose to do regardless of all my screw ups and mistake I seem to make on a daily basic. of the bed facing where the foot lies towards the head..There is a high chance that may . Hi Aileen, Mirror reflects energy, so negative energy will not be brought inside but instead be reflected. -Victor, Hi In part of our living room, (in the north east of living room), we have put dinner table and this area has became our dinning room. Also, the entrance area is great to have plants! Hi TCE, Yes, this is fine. -Victor. Directly opposite of the bathroom door is the kitchen which has no door. Hi Ella, Yes, that is fine. I was in alot of danger with him in my life and had a very very hard time getting him out of my life and home. -Victor. The reflection from one mirror will be reflected by the other mirror back to the first mirror, and then back again to the second mirror. -Victor. hi there victor, we have a large mirror which is about 10 ft away facing our front door and a window. The glass block tiles will be placed in our partition in between the living room & dining area? As for fish, heres the article: https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-tips/how-to-feng-shui-fish-for-abundance-factors-to-consider/ -Victor. He has dropped in. The mirror would reflect the outside yard through the sliding door. Thank you for your time. They have similar foundations in the bagua, the five elements, and so forth. Never choose the kind of house with the elevator door facing the door of the house. Maybe thats why we see movies where mirrors reflect spirits? Hi Tim, Different shapes are correlated with different elements. The desk is right near the west wall and its mainly a place for my paints and other accessories, and then right next to it (on the middle of the south wall) is my Easel and its the main area I work. Is it advisable to place the hse TV right infront of the entrance door? -Victor. Second question: Out bedroom bed is placed against wall between 2 small little chandelier-type lights thats mounted to the same wall. -Victor, Hey Victor I have a beautiful mirror in my dining room that faces the windows and outside the windows is my neighbors house who is a very mean-spirited person. The window is on the side of my house where the drive way is . The sliding door is located Southwest of the house and the sliding door is facing plants and small bamboo trees and the firewall of our neighbor. In China, brass mirrors would hang above their idols. Hi Gina, Both placements are totally fine! How can I counter this? -Victor. Hi Alexis, If you feel happy seeing yourself like this, then youre in good shape! The reason you may have read is that the South (area/sector) is correlated with Fire, and mirror is water, so that they may clash. . Saying that can we place a sofa or chairs in front of the glass block tiles? Thanks so much in advance..! That was removed instantly after reading your article an hour ago. ". Therefore, it is best to stay away from sleeping in front of a mirror. Sleeping with a mirror facing you was also a big no-no. , Hi Kaelee, I dont see a problem here because it doesnt face the door directly. TO absorb, use concave. This is because the reflection of the mirror doubles the energy and luck of those sleeping on the bed, and one of those luck is romance. -Victor. If the bagua mirror is the answer, should it be convex or flat? Mirrors are problems in some cases of Demonic infestations and hauntings. It can be a good thing. Feeling of being touched: Feeling a hand or something brush past, or a poke, push or nudge.Sometimes if the energy is negative there can also be unexplained scratches. Whats more important is how you handle it. If you have a small entrance, it can make the space feel larger and more welcoming for guests. -Victor. Thanks ? On south side 4 large windows. They even disregard the city rules regarding home construction and whats permissible; the city is too afraid to enforce anything and they tell me its a civil matter, not a city matter. In my life time I have had many family and friends to drop in (in spirit) to let me know they are know longer in this world. As for theliving room Feng Shui, the information I got was mixed. Therefore, if such a spirit is in your bedroom; placing a mirror there will simply activate the spirit. Hi Joan, If it causes inconvenience and nuance, then its definitely not the right place. A few months after I moved in, they began switching their first floor landing light on at night, either manually or on a timer (or possibly a low light / motion detector the guy is ex police). For example: if an inactive spirit is in your environment, it is believed that a mirror will activate the spirit through the energy that comes from its reflection. I have no dining room as such. Feng Shui is a new concept for me and I am fascinated by it. The Witchdoctor (Mago/Maga) Whenever you sleep, your soul leaves your body. I bet she is negatively Feng Shuing me.. what can I place on my door to avert the dangers of bad feng shui. Let me know if you need me to review the Form by using this link: https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-consulting-service-light-review/ -Victor. In general, you can put mirrors up where they are functionally useful as long as you don't have your own negative feelings attached to them. Nothing to worry much there. I have a strange neighbor that has been harassing me and my vandalized my car, I noticed she placed a large mirror in her window facing my apartment is she some kind of witch? Anyways, since it's on the subject as mirrors being portals of their own, sure there's the ability. Or is it better to not move into a home like that? I suppose I should find something pretty to cover with when not in use. In other schools like BTB, and in my practice, mirrors are used to expand the space . -Victor. They are gone now and I inherited the home. Im glad I came across your website. The location and facing direction of a mirror differs by the function of the room, according to Feng Shui. -Victor. Dont worry too much about it unless the mirror bothers you. You talk about positioning of the mirrors in the right places and facing the right directions. Thank you very much for you advice. The reflective windows, after reading your article, really bothers me now. I have built-in sliding mirror wardrobe at end of bed. Sabrina here great informative article ! kita muki ni nete wa ikenai . The good Qi is determined by what is immediately outside your front door, how much open space, etc. However, where to place them is critical. Is this okay if the bed is between the wall with the dresser and the "window wall"?". Hi Victor, We have a large, round decorative mirror above our tv in the living room (NW). I personally prefer the crystals, since they are more discreet. Seven Years Bad Luck Perhaps the most well-known mirror myth, the belief that breaking a mirror would bring you seven years bad luck dates back to the ancient Romans. Having bad luck since moving in to a property can be a Feng Shui issue or an issue that can be identified in your astrology chart. -Victor. This handout asks students to read a quote by Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop and then reflect on texts that have shown them something about themselves, others, and/or the world. Hello! Hi A. Shin, The practice of using Feng Shui Bagua mirrors is to reflect negative Qi (Xa), in nature/landscape/construction FORM outside the front door. Having it faced outdoor seating area is good. -Victor. That way, the mirror is rarely used. Convex Bagua Mirrors Reflect Negative Qi Away, 20. Wall is on west side. This means that placing a mirror facing the door can dispel energy away from home. Is it ok to still put the mirror? However, some Feng Shui practitioners believe that two mirrors facing each other, especially when placed directly across from each other, can cause a reflection that cancels the helpful energy, creating a sense of instability. Hi Lloyd, Yes, this is fine considering theres a good distance between them. Under later analysis the image in the mirror showed a woman in an old style dress coming down an ornate staircase, two open doors with a tall man in a black suit stood in this doorway with his back to the scene and a small child with a toy or doll looking up at him. I want to place a large arch window mirror in my hallway halfway up the stairs. 3) is it ok for a wall mirror to face the bedroom door which leads out to a small hallway (hallway has a mirror at its end). I find it obstructing the door space when visitor coming in or doing cleaning with all the wires behind the front door and curtain. Hi Lily, The mirror should be covered if it faces your bed AND if it bothers you. Hi Victor, thank you for this article. This will definitely compromise the quality of your life, and the lives of your loved ones. All content found on Angelical Balance is for informational purposes only.Made with lots of love, hard work, and energy! The key here is to make sure how the mirror is placed. Is it ok to hang three similar frames mirrors vertically on this brick? Should I move the altar elsewhere since the mirror will be above it and its at the bottom of the stairs, plus its not even facing the front door? Some people dont like it because it cuts the reflection and spooks them. The dining room, however, is NOT to be confused with wealth areas. Please share more details and help me out with the solution. A door is the way in which you enter and exit a room. It faces our outdoor seating area. Mirrors Attract the Spirits of the Dead. Is that bad? Pass the mirror (s) over the flame of the candle and through the smoke of the incense and say: "I infuse this mirror with the flaming fire . Meaning, if theres a light-post right outside your front door, a Bagua mirror can be used. Is it okay to place a standing mirror opposite the stairs landing in the basement? -Victor, Hi Victor: I just read your article thanks for all the help I do have a question is it okay to put a mirror in a black room with no Windows, Hi Martha, Yes, that is totally fine. There is no wall at all in a northeast direction for me to place the mirror.. , Hi Madhuri, Ive never heard about rules stating that mirrors shouldnt face northeast or east. It is also believed that mirrors facing bathroom doors can impact the health of people living in the house. A mirror is according to folklore, a doorway or portal through which spirits, including ghosts and Demons, can gain access to the physical world. 2. i have a closet workspace with a floor mirror that faces my doorway and it can view the stoveno where else to put it..should i cover it upPleae help, Hi Sondra, Do the mirrors bother you? A mirror in front of the bed is not ideal. -Victor. I intend to put a big full height mirror on the living room wall in my new home and it is directly facing the hallway. There is a small path way between the wall and front door, which leads to our backyard in North of the house. I find a lot of conflicting info on bagua mirrors. For example: having 2 mirrors facing each other will attract ghosts into your house. Neighborhood priests go house to house before Easter to bless each home with holy water (in modern times a tiny note is frequently wedged in the door to notify the residents of the service). And i dont really have dining room so it is in living room on south wall facing couch, sort of near entry but in middle of living area due to small space. This will prevent your soul from getting affected by the negative energy of the mirror. -Victor. It could be just a modern fad. I got up and closed the bathroom door and went back to sleep. First let me say, love and light to you! It is also believed that sleeping in front of a mirror will lead to depression. In this article, we will go through some basic mirror Feng Shui tips and rules that relate to each room and area in your house. Hi Regina, For your sliding door to your front door, there could potentially be issues. Hi Naomi, From what you described, it seems that the mirror has a good distance from your daughters bedroom door. Traditionally, Early and Later Heaven Bagua Sequence Matters, 18. I have multiple picture frames stuck together, the frames are mirror, angled inward towards the photo, located behind my couch, a north wall, it looks good there. Hi Roselle, I cant really comment without taking a look. The front door is at the bottom of the staircase but not directly in front of the staircase but a few meters to the side of it. The only clues I have been told is that when I get where ever Im suppose to go Ill know them and they will know me. I have no where else for it really, and wondered if we hardly use the front door and often only use the garage side door to go in and out of the house, can I continue to place the mirror there facing our often closed front door ? Your wisdom is very much appreciated. -Victor. Hi Victor, Your articles are very helpful! I hope its ok to use it because its so beautiful Lastly, my entry way is kind of small, the front door opens to a shoes closet (but its enough space between them), next to the shoe closet is the stairs so the front door is not quite in alignment with the stairs, but on the left of the front door, I place the altar (protective spirit) directly on the floor, and not facing to the front door cause its the only spot to place it. Immediately outside your front door but it will face the window instead be reflected there simply! In my bedroom that when closed face the door closed at all times posted on Jul, 2009. Maybe thats why we see movies where mirrors reflect spirits height Matters Placement... Good shape about 10 ft away facing our front door is the kitchen be good. @ the beach like it because it doesnt face the door leading to the wall. End of bed my family your sliding door reasons vary mirror reflecting the front door Demonic infestations hauntings... 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