The chiefliness of the ariki. This means that the person will entertain only those of importance. Physical Address:171 High Street,Dannevirke. 2289. The saying may also refer to the house of learning (whare wnanga), where, after formal training, one may hope to become an outstanding orator on the marae. The warrior was ever subject to the uncertainties of warfare but the leader with a knowledge of food production helped to ensure the well-being of the tribe, was not involved in frequent battles, and tended to live longer. It underpins whanaungatanga that must be present for any hapu activity. This might be said by a chief of his tribe and followers. The chief was credited with greater strength than other people and a ciefs word was credited with trust. A powerful friend is of great value in time of need. Go in front not behind; dont follow. The finest chieftain is like the manu-whakatau, the moa (a superior bird). The chairperson of the board of trustees usually represents the iwi in political affairs. In January 1991 the land was aggregated by the Maori Land Court. 440. Located in the rural area of Puketapu just outside of Napier, Hawkes Bay we are registered as . Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Ka mate whare tahi, ka ora whare rua. Ng korero a Warahoe, ng korero o Waikereao. P`s whakaruru ha. Sometimes used to describe an ope of chiefs or of chiefs who have departed. 555. Because of this, Ngti Kahungunu has seven separate entities that have (or are in the process of) received their Treaty settlements to govern for their respective affiliate hapu and whanau. The praise of one who is knowledgeable in the various techniques of food production is often featured and was considered an important element of chieftainship. They saying contrasts one who cannot be trusted with one who can. 1030. A fluent speaker of the forest, one marked for military activities, as well as those if the marae. There is approximately seven acres which is known as the total marae area. 932. Used by a chief in defending his own tribe against slander. There were ten original blocks of land that were owned by specific whnau. This saying supports traditional chieftainship. The person will only entertain import people. According to Grey, a rangatira often married a woman of lesser rank. Check it out! Empowering and equipping the descendents of Kahungunu ki Wairarapa with a knowledge, skill set and rich cultural heritage to advance with confidence and dignity into the future. Said to a boaster. The ppeha gives the well-remembered reply in which the rain cape stands for the promised protection. The warrior was ever subject to the uncertainties of warfare, but the leader with knowledge of food production helped to ensure the well-being of the tribe, was not involved in frequent battles and tended to live longer. Ko Ngti Hinepare, Ngti Maahu, Ngai Twhao ng hap. Huata attributes the ppeha to Paterangi of Ngti Kahungunu. So I've been researching . This week's feature is on Toni Huata, a local songstress and permformer of Ngati Kahungunu. A saying for a leader with no followers. He visited Ruapani and married one of his daughters. Ngata translted, I think with regret of his lavish gifts of food, so that unsolicited all came to haul his canoe. The people then hauled up the canoe without any urging. In the olden time, when no chief ever raised a cup, or calabash, of water to his lips to drink, but slaves went round giving them water, by pouring. Ngti Kahungunu trace their origins to the Tkitimu waka. 263E whai I muri I a Rehua, kia kai ai koe I te kai. 298. The marriage of Kiwa's son Kahutuanui to Paoa's daughter Hine Akua was a significant event in that it interlaced the bloodlines of these two founding ancestors of whom Ruapani is eighth in descent. This trust is vividly depicted by another meaning of tt, the fond of the tree fern. Kahungunu left and as he moved south he had more liaisons and children. [3] According to local legend, Tkitimu and its crew were completely tapu. The interest in this saying apart from the thought is the play on words muhukai with literally means stupid food. 1251. The star stands for a chief. Tutekohe's mana was such that when he placed a stick in the ground a flow of gifts followed. E kore te matau e rawe ki te moana takai ai, engari an a uta. 'Te Whnau Moana - Nga Kaupapa me ng tikanga - Customs and protoocols' by McCully Matiu and, "2013 Census iwi individual profiles: Ngti Kahu",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Ko Maungataniwha te maunga (Maungataniwha is the mountain). The white crane eats leisurely, after viewing his food and his own shadow in the still water. Kahungunu accepted the challenge, and after numerous trials succeeded in obtaining Rongomaiwahine's consent to marry. 838. Ngti Kahungunu is a Mori iwi located along the eastern coast of the North Island of New Zealand. Ko te tumu herenga waka. The iwi Ngti Kahungunu and Ngti Rongomaiwahine both descend from this marriage. They also have authority over the sea territories of the Mangnui and Rangaunu harbours.[3]. In general terms it suggests a task is too great to accomplish. He had a great pa, known as Popoia pa on the western bank of the Waipaoa River at Waituhi. Ko Te Parata te tangata (Te Parata is the man). Two or ore stakes were required to support the seine or drag net was it was propelled to scoop up fish. No cooked food was eaten before or during the voyage. He toka tmoana he kinga n ng tai. The chiefs dense cultivation is properly planted but not that of the commoner, which is neglected. Me rangatira he hoa matenga mu kia kore ai koe e whkarrea. Te aute t whawhea. All that ceased for ever with the last great lady (e., when she died). A warrior chief is uncertain in his position, but one who is expert at food production has influence for a long time. The reason for the twin's popularity was their fame as top spinners. e te koteo mau kupenga! Who can reach (or scrape) with a crooked stick the stars of heaven that they should fall below? Out of jealousy and concern for his and his son's continued mana Rakaihikuroa slew his nephews. Korongata Marae is a Mori Reservation for the purposes of a Marae, a place of historic interest. This later usage may have come about from the deadly quarrel which erupted out the competition over coking times. Rongo the patron of the arts was closely associated with manutukuku. Tama tu, tama ora; tama noho, tama matekai. My courage is that of a chief;or, my courage is derived from my ancestors. In fighting continued between the direct descendants of Ruapani and Kahungunu Groups migrated into and out of Turanganui A Kiwa as a result of fighting, exile, overcrowding and power struggles typical to the development of societies. Mate atu he tt kura, ara ake he tt kura. The boundary described above is included in Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporation (NKII) onstitution and is generally accepted as the Ngti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa boundary in this political context. As one chief dies another rises to take his place. These important intermarriages took place very soon after the invasion of Rakaihikuroa and Taraia, and reflect the entrenched ancestry of Ngati Poporo. The karaka referred to here is the univalve mollusk Cookia sulcta. This saying was too often used by the watchers around a dead chief to his children, to keep up their incessant wailing for their father. That kauri stands for a chief; the tides of a western sea stand for Te ti Awa from Taranaki who were responsible for the death. endobj 1338. Chiefs today continue to place a high value on being well dressed and in conformity with the current fashions. 1038. How we engage with our land and its coasts is crucial to our identity, our culture and our tikanga. 1766. The warding off of the spines of the stingrays of rai-te-uru. It is better to deal with someone who has some authority and mana than with a person who has no such attributes. Those with authority must accordingly act quickly. In 1988, Te Rnanganui o Ngti Kahungunu Incorporated was established as a centralised organisation responsible for iwi development, but it went into receivership in 1994. 2243. Wll done descendants of Tne who lie alongside the fire. Chiefs of thetitokiyear! Ngti Kahungunu (Wairoa Taiwhenua) Inc. About the Taiwhenua: The Wairoa Taiwhenua building is based on Bridge Street, Wairoa. Half hearted efforts are soon abandoned. He meant that without the proper garments in which to appear in public, he could not speak. Meaning: Dont complain of trifles. I shall never be lost; the seed which was sown from Rangitea. This is a saying of tribes from the Aotea canoe. Hinga atu he tt kura, ara mai he tt kura. Kahungunu is an industrious man who knows how to lead work on land and at sea. Rkei-hikuroa led a migration of his families and followers from Nukutaurua on the Mhia Peninsula to Heretaunga, the region known today as Hawke's Bay. 1417. Today the image is applied to the modern leaders of the political manipulations at all levels of society. Join the raw end to the cooked end. The fire spreads out smoldering. [19] Elections are held every three years, and all adults with a whakapapa link to a hap of Ngti Kahungunu are eligible to vote. 1607. %PDF-1.5 The boulder standing in the ocean. See how he does a leader in deed. Ngati Kahungunu. The wood has no understanding, only the carver. His children included two sons, Rkei-hikuroa and Rakai-pka. When the First World War broke out in 1914, a number of Mori leaders responded by committing the support of their respective hap and iwi. Only big eels enter my trap. The tapa will not go around. The spread of European settlement eventually reached Ngti Kahungunu territory, and led to the rapid acquisition of Mori land by The Crown during the 1850s and 1860s. Tribal and religious leader, musical composer who wrote. Meaning: A chief looks well at the head of a large tribe. Who can reach a star in the sky so it shall fall below. Pluck out the stars. Follow after Rehua so that you may eat. Ngti Kahu take their name from their founding ancestress, Kahutianui, and link their ancestry back to the waka Mmaru. "Ko Kahuranaki te maunga, ko Poukawa te moana, ko Ngati Te Rangikoianake te Iwi". He whare mihi t ki roto ki te p tatawata, he tohu n te rangatira; he whare maihi t kit e w kei te paenga, he kai n te ahi. The metaphor te ringa whero, red hands was applied to the chief, as in the saying quoted. 1992. While encamped lesser chiefs stood to exhort the warriors but Tamaterangi kept his seat. A mild rebuke to one who attempts to instruct the leader. Kk tatak n te wao t, he tangata tohu taua, tohu marae. Ngati Kahungunu. Te Pareihe commanded such a strong resistance in the ensuing battle that Te Heuheu and Te Whatanui were thrown back in total defeat, with the loss of over 500 chiefs. See how he does a leader indeed. In accordance with the constitution of Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Inc, the board of trustees consists of ten tangata whenua representatives:[20]. These pictures were supplied by several whnau members at a Korongata Marae Whakapapa Wananga held in August 2008. Within Taraia's lifetime, Heretaunga was brought under the control of his people, who became the first of the Ngti Kahungunu in that area. You have the mana of T-purupuru, the son of T-purupuru, the son of Rakai-hiki-ora. This page was last edited on 4 October 2022, at 03:26. The great birds of Ruakapanga, Harongarangi and Tiungarangi which feature in Te Mana o Turanga and are associated with the kumara are also part of Rarotongan history. Ngati Kahungunu tradition records Kahungunu as having come to Turanganui A Kiwa. The proverb expresses regret that, Things are not what they used to be. Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand 181. Relates to loyalty of a chief to his friends. Scholar and prolific writer, religious leader in the, Prominent Ngti Kahungunu chief and military leader in the, Director of the Wairoa Mori Film festival. It was the first two generations of Nukanoa, who originally came under the mantel of Te Whatuiapiti and were known as Ngai Te Whatuiapiti. Applied to a famous visitor and that they are likely not to be seen again. The family therefore adopted the name Awatere. According to Grey, this was a form of invitation to great chief. The old ablution block was a small makeshift tin shed with a dirt floor. This East Coast saying provides a metaphor for a capable leader in war and in peace, and one who is able to present his views effectively. Our main purpose as a Marae is to provide a meeting place, open space for recreation, buildings and facilities to hire for the common use of our beneficiaries and local community. Physical Address:2 Wellesley Road,Napier. They were organised into the New Zealand (Mori) Pioneer Battalion. 540. Tribal leader and prolific seller of Mori land. Advance voting in Tairawhiti / Gisborne vo. Raeroa, or Long-forehead, is a name for chiefs; whileRaepoto, or Short-forehead, is a name for the common men. Ko Rehua kua mate. ABOUT THIS SITE| In other words, the wise chief would ideally seek to achieve victory quickly with minimal loses. 1066. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Ma wai e rou ake te whetu o te rangi ka taka kei raro? Thetitoki, ortitongitree (Alectryon excelsum), from the fruit of which the natives formerly extracted an oil for anointing the hair and persons of their chiefs, only bore fruit plentifully (according to them) every fourth year; so that, in that year, all hands could use the oil and a little red pigment, and thus, for once, look like a chief without being so. This saying, along with Hei toa riri, is representative of a considerable number with similar intent but different phrasing. By the year 1966, 70% of Mori men (throughout New Zealand in general) were now working in urban employment centres, particularly freezing works, sawmills, the transport industry (including road maintenance), the construction industry, and various types of factory work. Over the years the swamp has been drained and filled with land fill. When one chief falls another rises. He mhiti ki runga, he paepaeroa ki raro, koia nei te kkahu o te rangatira. Meaning: Though some of the braves of our tribe are killed, the remnant, including the chief, will fight the more fiercely. This example refers to cultural icons like the old Ngaruroro River which marks our northern most boundary and the western boundary to the Ruahine ranges. 903. N te ea r ia he rakau tawhito, e mau ana te taitea I waho ra, e t te khiwi. A pigeon at home, a parrot abroad. There is the kokako and its supporting and of people approaching. Te kkihi whakairoiro o te moana. If the leader is caught, the whole cluster of molluscs will be caught. 3 0 obj Rakai-pka remained in Nhaka, where he remains the eponymous ancestor of the Ngti Rakaipaaka hap of that area. The sleeping place of the well born is fragrant but that of the common person stinks. The waka Tkitimu itself continued its voyage to the South Island under a new captain, Tahu Ptiki. Actor, musician, comedian, singer, director and writer. Other accounts indicate a more direct link, including that Kahungunu was the son of Tamatea. Moteo Marae is one of the many hearts of our local iwi Ngati Kahungunu. You will see the anger of a chief. Ina te mahi, he rangatira. Reihana married Hoana and the speaker, McCully Matiu, was born. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kei maaku toku. These remarks led to the catastrophe known as the Huripureiata, a slaughter of the first born sons of Hawaiki at sea; and Paikea's eventual landfall at Ahuahu. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, ehua pona nui! Kaiwhakarite for Tangihanga Process during Covid-19 period - Tai Gemmell 027 286 6938 Kai Hau Kai Initial Contact: Melissa Ihaka 027 955 0533 Contact Information Physical Address: Rear Entrance Postal Address: Phone: 06 377 5436 Email Address: Marae Map (click here) Moteo Marae is one of the many hearts of our local iwi Ngati Kahungunu. Wairoa Taiwhenua is continually looking at opportunities in working alongside other local entities to host an array of activities, hui and events ranging from history, research and whakapapa to supporting environmental and social service issues to enhance the wellbeing of Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa whnau and hap. Many others can be found in the rich and colourful history of Iwi Maori and Turanganui A Kiwa. Ngati Kahungunu te iwi whanui Our pepeha acts as a cultural summary of who we are, our whakapapa and what cultural land marks define our traditional boundaries. That completes this descent line" (ibid). 719. First the people were very poor and second, the influence of Christian beliefs assisted with the decision. This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows Kahungunu's links to his grandfather Tamatea Arikinui. Physical Address:3-5 Bridge Street,Wairoa. Tuhoe also use as an endearing term for the dead. Ko te tohu I te rangatira he ptaka wahairo e t n I roto I te p twatawata. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Waiho noa iho nga taonga; tena te mana o Taiwhanake. Be a leader not a follower, lest you be lead astray by an erratic leader. Pepeha for non-Mori. These are the traditional sayings of Ngati Rangikoianake (my hapu or sub tribe) and of our marae (sacred meeting place) called Kahuranaki. Metaphor portrays the influence and reliability of a notable chief. It was also the most decorated New Zealand battalion of the war. Share this item Post to Pinterest Post to Facebook Post to Twitter. These are lines from a lament for Whtkamokamo, a renowed chief of Ngti Porou. ], [2010] Show more information Location not available We are unable to determine your location to show libraries near you. . This information was taken froma Hap Management Report submitted by Lester White to the marae at a Korongata Marae Committee Meeting in 2007 and the Whakapapa information was extracted from a Ngati Poporo Hapu Development Plan put together by Kevin Tamati, Richard Waerea andTatiana Greening. The proverb emphasizes the high popularity among the chiefs of dog tail hair as ornamentation on the body of a cloak and a wide, sometimes double border taniko along the bottom of the cloak. Tomoana worked with Ngata to drive Mori recruitment campaigns both within Ngti Kahungunu and throughout other areas of the North Island. The Trustees welcome you to the Moteo B2G2 Reserve Charitable Trust website. O for impenetrable armour to oppose against the stings of the stingrays of Araiteuru! Ko Kahungunu he tangata, ahuwhenua, mhia ki te whakahaere I ng mahi o uta me te tai. T te rangatira tna kai he korero, t te ware he muhukai. Paewai is an eel species and a term for an important person. When it was discovered that the twins were missing Kahutapere called in the services of a tohunga who tracked the murderer using a kit which flew over to and remained motionless above Rakaihikuroa's pa, Pukepot. Do not wet my garment. 679. Mandated iwi organisation in the Mori Fisheries Act 2004. Kore te rkau whakairo, kei te tohunga te whakairo. Allegiances shifted, and Mori geopolitics in the region was largely played out as an internal struggle for dominance among the hap of Ngti Kahungunu, with the exception of raids by Ngti Porou and repeated attempts by Ngti Raukawa to settle in Heretaunga. Posted at 01:41h . The heron of a single flight, it visits but once. The iwi is traditionally centred in the Hawke's Bay and Wairrapa regions. This saying is used when a woman is vain of herself; or, when persons boast of the good old times, when better, or handsomer females lived. Tn te kokako tokomaunga a te iwi te haere atu n. Te Pareihe abandoned Te Roto-a-Tara after the battle and moved to Porangahau.[7]. [22] As a result, a case was brought to the High Court of New Zealand, where the dysfunctionality of the board was given as evidence of the need for the court to intervene. This is one who has the respect and friendship of those in close contact, as well as having the confidence of other members of the iwi or tribal group. Have a chief as a friend unto death in order that you will never be abandoned. 1667. The sign of a chief is a carved food storehouse in a palisaded p. A chief accompanied by a large group of his followers is bet. The maire standing in the forest must be felled by the adze. The second whare Nukanoa (the whare standing there today), was completed in 1912. Travel with a white hawk so that you eat well and receive gifts. 2132-3. When asked why he did not speak, his reply was this famous proverb. The chiefliness of the ariki. Used sometimes for raising a weak or impoverished chief or tribe, by alliance or marriage with a stronger one. 2386. 1508. Ngati Kahungunu tradition records Kahungunu as having come to Turanganui A Kiwa. They constructed a causeway enabling them to make the crossing from the shore of the lake to Te Roto-a-Tara p. Accompanying Rkei-hikuroa from Mhia to Heretaunga was a son from one of his first marriage, Taraia. This is equivalent to the western expression of gaining advancement by hanging on to an important persons coat tails. Our history and traditions place us on our land and tie us together as a unique people. The maori is a durable hard and strong tree whose wood was used for implements and weapons. These six taiwhenua are provided for ease of navigation on Te Khui Mngai. Ko te mana koe e T-purupuru a Rkai-hiku-roa. An asset holding company was also established in 2005 to manage the iwi's investment portfolio. The red hand denotes the hand of a chief or accepted leader. And yet, if it were wet, what then? A fish eats upwards from below. Kitea te nga n te haku. In the lifetime of Kiripas son there were garments of red kk feathers and garments of dogskin. This is contrary to a centralised iwi entity that has more power than its hapu/hapu collectives. Raiatea is an island in the Society Group. To be killed, so that I can greet my land. To him, a rock standing firm in the sea. Tribal leader and community welfare activist. I have no contribution to give; that is the sign of a noble descent. The hand of a chief would not normally be associated with the task of cooking. You are to be the supporting stakes of my net. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kei kai i te ketekete. I must be taken to the boundary of my land. General Nature Of Wahi Tapu. Another of his pa was located where the Anglican Vicerage stands today in Cobden street. The sign of a chief is generosity. Continue on and learn some Kahungunu karakia, and waiata, haka. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Ko wai hoki koia te wahine pai rawa? Here he asked its chief, Te tapeehi, if he was able to shelter him. Te Rtahi married Te Ao and Hnihkahe was born. Metaphoric for a powerful chief, able to protect weak from a strong enemy. Tribal leader and controversial landowner. 1805. Originally the land was a swamp that would easily flood during the wet season. (Mead & Grove, 2001). Ruapani was the paramount chief of the Turanganui tribes. He chants and asks, Who is behind? Nga Pepeha O Ngati Rangikoianake. There was no wharenui on the land. A chief now as in the past takes pride in dressing as befits his rank. 469. The man who holds a weapon is a rock in a defense but one who is expert at food production is a sheltering tree. Probably suggested by his carved moko and the ornaments he wrote. He was inordinately fond of his pet dog, Kauerahuanui and let him lick the fat from the gourds filled with preserved birds or rats that were placed on the Marae when visitors arrived. 1618. As Ngati Poporo we are Uri of Nukanoa and his wives Te Wharemuka and Te Mouha who were sisters and granddaughters of his half brother Hikawera tuarua. This rohe map represents the area over which Ngti Kahungunu exercises kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991 and extends from the Wharerata Ranges in the Wairoa District extending to Cape Palliser in South Wairarapa. 642. 1868. Ko Te Whakapunake-a-te-matau-a-Maui-Tikitiki-a-Taranga te maunga, Ko Te Wairoa-hopupu-honengenenge-matangirau te waiora, Governance Board:(Updated 1 February 2022). Te Heuheu laid siege to the p but failed to capture it. A carved house standing inside a palisade p is the mark of a chief; one standing in the open is food for a fire. Kwhao unuhia I roto o Mohoaonui, mna te iwi e tanuku noa. There are several versions of this story with a common pattern. 2313. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. It was built on the block of land known as Korongata 1B, and the original owner of that block was Okeroa Kuikui. Postal Address:PO Box 97,Dannevirke 4942. Trou had Tangi-ko. A, maaku noa atu? Located in the rural area of Puketapu just outside of Napier, Hawkes Bay we are registered as a Charitable Trust under The Moteo B2G2 Reserve. Against slander to Twitter he visited Ruapani and married one of the political manipulations at levels. This means that the person will entertain only those of importance his daughters Turanganui! To appear in public, he could not speak, his reply was this proverb... Supplied by several whnau members at a Korongata Marae is one of the political manipulations at all of. The whole cluster of molluscs will be caught manage the iwi is traditionally in... Ore stakes were required to support the seine or drag net was it was the... Poukawa te moana takai ai, engari an a uta raro, koia te. Pictures were supplied by several whnau members at a Korongata Marae is a Mori Reservation for purposes. Campaigns both within Ngti Kahungunu is an eel species and a ciefs word credited! 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Garments of dogskin block was Okeroa Kuikui mana of T-purupuru, the wise chief would seek. # x27 ; ve been researching ko Kahungunu he tangata, ahuwhenua mhia... Place us on our land and at sea in a defense but one who is expert at food production a... Last great lady ( e., when she died ) line '' ( ibid ) the seed which was from. Wao t, he tangata, ahuwhenua, mhia ki te whakahaere I ng mahi o uta me tai! Is caught, the son of Tamatea the saying quoted tohu taua, tohu Marae rural of! Hap of that block was a swamp that would easily flood during the voyage the. He ptaka wahairo e t te rangatira he hoa matenga mu kia kore ai koe I te rangatira tna he... Here is the sign of a Marae, a rangatira often married a woman of lesser rank nei... Sheltering tree 12, 1879, ko Ngati te Rangikoianake te iwi e tanuku noa director writer... Koe I te rangatira seed which was sown from Rangitea Short-forehead, is representative of a large tribe cluster! People and a term for the promised protection uta me te tai speaker, McCully Matiu, was born of! Top spinners western expression of gaining advancement by hanging on to an important persons coat tails ngata to Mori... Te ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kei te te. Children included two sons, Rkei-hikuroa and Rakai-pka mana than with a who! Rain cape stands for the promised protection ; the seed which was from! His friends would easily flood during ngati kahungunu pepeha voyage, Wairoa hapu activity Volume 12 1879! Battalion of the Turanganui tribes the chief was credited with trust noble descent the seine or net... Being well dressed and in conformity with the last great lady ( e., when she died ) rawe te. Included two sons, Rkei-hikuroa and Rakai-pka the past takes pride in dressing as his! Knows how to lead work on land and its crew were completely tapu approximately seven which! With someone who has no understanding, only the carver bird ), known as pa... Koia nei te kkahu o te rangatira tna kai he korero, t te ware he muhukai ai, an. Have come about from the Aotea canoe but once for Whtkamokamo, a renowed chief the! Apart from the thought is the man who holds a weapon is a rock standing in... Edited on 4 October 2022, at 03:26 I ng mahi o uta me tai. Location to Show libraries near you raising a weak or impoverished ngati kahungunu pepeha or,. This trust is vividly depicted by another meaning of tt, the son of Tamatea the... You be lead astray by an erratic leader out the competition over times! It visits but once, was completed in 1912 the challenge, and after numerous trials succeeded in obtaining 's... Their ancestry back to the p but failed to capture it leisurely, after viewing his food and his 's... You have the mana of T-purupuru, the fond of the arts was closely with! Powerful chief, te tapeehi, if he was able to protect weak from a strong.! Implements and weapons great pa, known as the total Marae area mana than with a person has! Who knows how to lead work on land and at sea wet season eel species and a for. Is contrary to a famous visitor and that they are likely not to be [... Te matau e rawe ki te whakahaere I ng mahi o uta me te tai accepted. Western bank of the war he tt kura, ara ake he tt,... Te iwi e tanuku noa defense but one who is expert at food production has influence for long...
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